Freund police report 18 December 2018-2

Report 2 of 2

On 18 December 2018 two officers responded to 94 Dole Ave., Crystal Lake Illinois reference a burglary. Upon arrival the officers observed the living conditions of the residence to not be up to acceptable standard of living with two young children living in the residence. The officers observed redacted and redacted in the residence where dog feces and urine were scattered about the residence. The officers observed several windows of the residence to be open or broken with outside air entering the residence. The officers observed the fireplace that is usually utilized for heating the residence to be in this disrepair.
The officers contacted Seacomm at 0847 hours and requested that Crystal Lake building and zoning to inspect the residence. Upon arrival they were denied entry into the residence. The officers proceeded to photograph the interior of the resident and email the photos to another officer to submit into evidence.

At zero 920 Joanne Cunningham of 94 Dole Ave., Crystal Lake Illinois was placed under arrest by the officers for driving while license suspended. The officers transported Joanne to Crystal Lake PD to be processed. The squad car was checked prior to and after transporting nothing was located.

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