RECAP: More Anthony saga 9Sept08

It is said that Casey Anthony has left Caylee at a park. The Blanchard Park. She has changed her story again. I am sure this is, like the others, a tall tale. Orange County investigators are examining bones found at the park.

A blogger has gone over to the Anthony house and took 2 bags of trash. Not sure what she thinks she will find, but that is one of the stupidest thing I have heard. Not sure what she thinks she is going to find, there have already been 2 search warrants for the house. This is just a little over the top! Guess people do anything to get on TV. I am sure the media will link to her blog!

A for the protesters, it is time to move on. They are not accomplishing anything. Maybe they should go search instead. But I think searching is a lost cause. I really think that Casey needs to give it up. She needs to start being truthful! (Not sure the Anthony family knows what the truth is)

The Anthony family really has brought this on, all by themselves. People have no respect for them, and the lies just keep coming. They have up-set the world with all of this, and it still keeps coming back to the fact that Casey doesn’t want to “help find CAYLEE”. This is the saddest part of the whole thing. She is worried about Caylee’s safety, so she says, but with all the commotion she has caused, does she think she hasn’t jeopardized Caylee already. (If she is alive like Cindy says)

None of the Anthony family is out searching! Why is this? Why aren’t they out looking for Caylee? I thought this whole thing was about Caylee!

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