RECAP: Casey…an accomplice? 18Sept08

Leonard Padilla says that Casey had to have an accomplice to dispose of the body. This is Padilla’s theory. He says that someone had to help her. Who knows, maybe the accomplice is also dead. Casey’s friend Kristina said: Casey is the type of person who could connive a friend into helping. Leo has come to this theory because of all the phone talking Casey had done on the 26 June through 28 June. Leo has seen the phone records, he got them from Lee. Leo did confirm THERE WAS NO PHONE CALL AT NOON ON THE 15th of July from ANYONE!! (She must have had her phone on silent and acted like she received a call) There is also confirmation that there was NO NANNY phone calls on Casey’s cell phone records.

Casey even lied to Robert Dick. He was head of security for the Casey Anthony, now police are going to question him, and Leonard Padilla. He said that Casey said she was given a SCRIPT to follow when talking to the police….oh this girl is up and over the top and ready to roll down the hill into a grave!

Jeff Hopkins has been questioned and said that he worked in the vicinity of Casey Anthony, but did not know her, and did NOT have a Zenaida Gonzalez work for him.

Padilla thinks that Casey got the information on Zenaida Gonzalez through her friends that live in the apartment complex. He said she somehow got the application for Zenaida. I say Zenaida needs to sue the Apartment complex for giving the info out and also the Casey Anthony for slander.

I STILL think Casey thought she DID the perfect crime. Zenaida, the unknown was the last one with Caylee, the car was stolen, she left work and couldn’t find them. She made up names using her friends names, by re-arranging them. She claims a script was involved. I would love to see the script.

Here are a few questions: why did Jesse Grund take a polygraph and Casey Anthony did NOT! If she is NOT guilty, then step up and take the test. Where did she really go if she was not working, that so called day of 9 June 2008, or was it the 16 or 17 June? Whose phone was she really using she claims to have lost. (We know she did not work for Universal)

On another note, Cindy Anthony went on uni-vision with a Spanish speaking interpreter. Guess she is looking for Caylee via the TV.

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