No update, RECAP: 11 September 2008

Here is what was happening on 11 September 2008:

The Florida State Attorney’s Office has officially filed charges against 22-year-old Casey Anthony.

There are 10 charges filed against her, including grand theft, three charges of fraudulent use of personal identification, three counts of forgery of a check and three charges for uttering a forged check.
The charges were filed after she allegedly stole checks and money from a friend.

These are just formal charges and that Casey already bonded out on these alleged crimes. No arrest will be made. Other charges could come out later today. If Casey is to be arrested, her attorney will bring her in. The attorney does expect more charges.

According to Dr. Schurman-Kauflin, Anthony is manipulating everyone, including the media.

“She knows everyone is waiting with baited breath to hear about Caylee, so she is punishing everyone by being silent. To her, it is unfair that people are more interested in Caylee than her, and she will punish investigators, her family, friends, and the public. Not cooperating and staying quiet is a way of ‘getting even’ for perceived wrongs. Remember, it is all about her, not Caylee. When you make it about Caylee, she will stop talking. You have seen that already. Right now, Casey is feeling hurt. Her pain is her priority. No one should make the mistake of wondering why she doesn’t seem to care that her baby is gone. The truth is, one must look at this from Casey’s perspective. She is free now. She thinks if she talks to police, that freedom could be taken away.”
Here is the link:  Dr. Schurman-Kauflin

Protestors were protesting!

According to Leonard Padilla, the George, Cindy and Lee Anthony were asked by the FBI to do a polygraph test. They did say they would do it. But 20 minutes later Lee went outside to the FBI and said they would not. Sure makes you wonder what they are hiding. I have believed from day one, that they knew something and if they know nothing, then they need to prove it. I remember when the Polly Klaas case came out; Mr. Klaas was all over everything he could do to help find his daughter. He did polygraph test, searched for her, etc. I am really not sure if the Anthony’s are searching or not! The large trailer in the front of the house has been moved, and I am unsure where it has gone.

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