Casey Anthony week round-up 6-12 September 2009

The Prosecutors wants the Team Baez to turn over documents that claim that someone other than Casey disposed of Caylee. A motion filed by the state asked a judge for the team Baez to turn over the names and address as well as any supporting documents about their claim! This claim was made in court in the past month.

Here is what Todd Macaluso said in the hearing:  “There is substantial evidence that we’ve found … that the body or remains of Caylee Anthony was placed there after Casey Anthony was locked up.  It proves that somebody else placed the remains in the area.”

The state says they have the “RIGHT” to review the evidence. Read the MOTION

The Morgan & Morgan team dropped the motion against the Anthony’s to have them finish the questions. They said they will get the answers elsewhere in the documents that have been dumped in this case.

DCasey started working for the Team Baez on 27 July 2008. He started working for Casey/Cindy and George in early September.  He was out searching for the remains of Caylee in November. He said he was under contract, which were NOT produced at the hearing. He did take the stand. The judge made the decision to DENY the depo as he worked under contract and it is privileged. So this means DCasey will NOT be deposed.

The Judge said he would not make a decision today in the ZFG case.  Casey’s attorneys want the civil suit filed by Zenaida Gonzalez thrown out.  Of course the Judge said he will have sleepless nights until a decision is made!  The Judge at the end did ask how ZFG was holding up.  She did say fine.  WE still wait on the decision by the judge!

Of course the hearings seemed to be a big circus.  RATE the Judge
And lets not forget RATE The Baez

Baez was being investigated by the Florida Bar over accusations he was “receiving fees on the Casey Anthony case with an agreement to publicize her story.”  He has been questioned and cleared for, once again, “insufficient evidence”. Shannon Stoy filed a complaint in February. She is president of Blink Development Group, LLC, in Pennington, N.J. Read the letter

AND LAST:  I hope everyone had a great Labor day!  Today we were talking about a cast for a movie for the Anthony’s.  A bunch of bloggers here gave names, and I put them in a poll!  Go to the page  You pick the cast and you can cast your vote and even put in a name of someone not listed. It might take a minute to completely open!  Results will be listed tomorrow night!

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