Casey Anthony update 10 September 2009

The Prosecutors wants the Team Baez to turn over documents that claim that someone other than Casey disposed of Caylee. A motion filed by the state asked a judge for the team Baez to turn over the names and address as well as any supporting documents about their claim! This claim was made in court in the past month.

Here is what Todd Macaluso said in the hearing:  “There is substantial evidence that we’ve found … that the body or remains of Caylee Anthony was placed there after Casey Anthony was locked up.  It proves that somebody else placed the remains in the area.”

The state says they have the “RIGHT” to review the evidence. Read the MOTION

A spokesperson for the Team Baez stated that Team Baez will always follow the appropriate rules and regulations of the law.

Morgan and Morgan has said in a new motion they are willing to drop their quest for Casey to answer question, if ZFG civil lawsuit doesn’t get thrown on the back burner!

PLEASE:  RATE the Judge        RATE The Baez

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