Zayla Rank update! Lived with her dad!


The mother was in court on February 13 and plea’d ‘not guilty’ to murdering Zayla.  She is held on $1million bail.  She is due in court again 16 March.  


A little bird told me that Zayla lived with her father, Jason Rank and he is her next of kin. Susan Rank was suppose to return Zayla to her father but kept her past her visitation limit.

Grandma claims that she was trying to get housing and get custody of Zayla, but Susan didn’t have custody of Zayla, so who was she going to take her away from, her father?

As the wheels spin on this murder, I find it odd that grandma and great-aunt didn’t mention any of this in any of the chats with the media! My guess they are trying to get this mental illness out as her defense, but as the truth comes out the 2 of them look like they are trying for excuses.  I’m also unsure why grandma and Aunty started a go fund me fundraiser!

It has been said that grandma asked Susan when she was arrested what she had done. Susan admitted to killing Zayla.

Susan Parizek, aka Susan Rank, has a prior conviction for felony evading in connection with a January 2016 confrontation with Riverside police. She also has a 2013 misdemeanor conviction for dui.

She was a very sweet and loving little girl..

 A fundraiser for Zayla has been started by her FATHER. Donate here


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