4 December 2011: County Search and Rescue [CS&R] searched the Kingsgate area yesterday. CS&R searched residential areas, parks and trails throughout the day. Nothing specific had them in the area, they just wanted to make they have searched all the necessary locations. The Kingsgate area is close to Sky’s dad house, Solomon Metalwala.
Solomon organized a bunch of volunteers to tape up about 500 posters in the Redmond area. He is not giving up hope.
Sky’s case was featured on America’s Most Wanted on Friday along with the Lisa Irwin. According to investigators, they have received NO TIPS since the airing!
2 December 2011: Sky Metalwala has been missing almost a month, the 6th of December will be a month, and his sister has been taken away and put in the custody of the state! Solomon Metalwala will be attending a custody hearing on Monday to try and get custody of Sky’s sister.
The Washington Agency Fathers and Families says there is no reason that the little girl should be in the states custody. Glen Sacks director of the the agency said that Solomon has been separated from his daughter for almost a year on charges that have been discredited. He feels the little girl should be returned to Solomon.
Julia Biryukova has a severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, and goes on cleaning rages and won’t feed the children. But the doctor who diagnosed her says that Biyukova’s OCD doesn’t interfere with her ability to care for the kids. She has also made false abuse charges against Solomon, and CPS had concluded that these new abuse charges were also false.
Biryukova claims to have left Sky in the unlocked car claiming running out of gas, when she was taking him to the hospital because he was not feeling well. She walked to a gas station with their 4 year old daughter and when she returned she says Sky was gone.
I really do hope someone is looking into this doctor too. I am not sure about anyone else, but you have to feed your children! I have never heard where it is ok to not feed your child, and many would be charged! I also hope that the daughter is turned over to the father, so she can have a Merry Christmas and not be with strangers. I am sure this would cause the mother to go into a OCD episode and really anger her! I still wonder when she will be arrested.
The case of Missing Sky Metalwala will be featured on America’s Most Wanted this week. America’s Most Wanted has moved to Lifetime and will air tonight at 9 pm…. [AMW is no longer on]
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