RECAP: ZFG speaks 17Sept08

So, we all know about Zenaida Gonzalez.  But who is the real Zenaida Gonzalez?  Casey Anthony reported Zenaida as the Nanny, but no one can find the lady who watched Caylee for almost 2 years.  

Zenaida has gotten hate mail for Zeni the Nanny, Zenaida says that her life has been turned upside down.  She wishes her name was something else.  Zenaida has never seen Casey or Caylee Anthony before this whole mess started.  She has never lived at the Sawgrass Apartments.  She did look at the apartment to rent it out, but nothing else.

Here is what she says about Casey Anthony:  “She doesn’t know how much damage she has done. Not only to me, that she has done to them, my children. They came out of me. I raised them by myself and now she is hurting them more than me.”

Not sure how I would handle this, but Zenaida Gonzalez is jobless, and the Anthony’s got money for the home video of Caylee from 20/20, so I would say maybe Zenaida needs an attorney and file a lawsuit against them.  

Here is the video WESH

Crazy, but I thought Casey only ruined only Caylee’s life.  And I never thought to write to Zenaida hate mail.  Especially since I never really thought she was involved. 

Check out Zenaida suing Casey Anthony.

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