RECAP: After reading the first 400 pages, LP has different thoughts 26Aug08

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter who helped get Casey out of jail, I understand that you have said today — and we`ve seen it — that if you`d known all along what you found out after these 400 pages were revealed, you might not have come at all to bail Casey out. Explain.

LEONARD PADILLA: After reading it, I don`t believe I would have talked my nephew, Tony Padilla, into posting the bond, and I certainly don`t believe that I would have come to Orlando after reading that. I mean, I`m still hoping that the little girl is alive, but there`s a lot of information in those 400 pages that would lead people to believe something different.

And then with these revelations about her mental state of mind — I mean, it`s — I place myself in a position of saying, OK, what would I do if my 3-year-old was missing, or even my 16-year-old? And I don`t know that I could survive something like that, much less go partying or do any of that kind of stuff. It`s just — so this — a lot of these things I interpreted as, Well, somebody that she knows and trusts has the baby, and therefore it`s not bothering her because she feels confident. I still deep down hope that that`s what it is.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Look, I don`t have children, but I have three dogs that I love very much. And I would never not worry about my three dogs if I left them with somebody 10 weeks ago. Obviously, I`d be worried about them. So this whole idea that she`s not concerned because she left them with a friend — I don`t buy that for one second, Leonard.

PADILLA: I — you can beat me up. I mean, you know, I`ve got three dogs at home and I call home every day and I ask about them. I — you know, and my 16-year-old, so I — what can I say?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you are having second thoughts after all, after all that you`ve done.

PADILLA: I`ve lost confidence in a couple of the people that are working with me on this particular situation. I mean, you know, that report was an eye-opener, definitely an eye-opener.

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