31 October 2011: The attorney, who left according to her but was fired for lack of ‘team work’, Cyndy Short, is determined to stay in the limelight. She is vowing to keep looking for Lisa. Today she will be holding a news conference and announce her big plan to continue as a ‘concerned‘ citizen. Of course we know that she won’t be able to contact the Bradley/Irwins unless she goes through their attorney. The only thing I see this woman of any value, would be to put on her jeans and t-shirt and start SEARCHING for Lisa! This crap in front of the camera doesn’t do anything for anyone! Just get’s the attorney’s name and face out! [Kind of a sick way to keep yourself in the limelight]
Many people in Kansas City are tired of hearing about Baby Lisa, but seem to go on about Missing Lisa for about 30 minutes. I know I am not tired of hearing about ‘Finding Lisa’ as much as I am about their attorney, the PI and the parents. The attorney’s want to be the winners in Finding Lisa, the PI is in it for publicity but is finally back in Kansas City and the parents, well heck they are NOT helping in anyway what-so-ever! The attorney’s talking on TV does nothing for anyone, the PI well he isn’t doing anything either except having his name connected to this case, and the parents are refusing to be interviewed, letting the kids be interviewed, in other words they are NOT cooperating.
I don’t care where this family is staying, I don’t want to see the pigsty the family was living in, and I really think them not cooperating plays a big part. But if Lisa is ever found and returned to them, they are the ones who will pay the price in the end. Just think if Lisa is found and returned to the parents, 20 years down the line, she will see what her mother and father have done, and they will have to live with it. They them-self makes them look GUILTY of something!
30 October 2011: Want to get in contact with the Bradley/Irwin Family? Well you will have to go through their multiple attorney team to do that. A woman went to the Irwin house and was turned away and told, ‘if you want to get in contact with them, you need to go through their attorney‘. Tina Porter, whose children were missing for 3 years, Sam and Lindsey, disappeared in 2004. Her ex-husband confessed to murdering the kids. After Porter was denied entrance, Porter warned Lisa’s parents they risk alienating the community. Porter told the media, ‘if they expect the community to wrap their arms around this family after they find out what happened to Lisa, they’ve got another thing coming.’ The Irwin house called the police on Porter.
No matter what people thing, Bradley/Irwin not cooperating and talking to KCPD and the FBI isn’t helping them in the least. It’s one thing to get multiple attorney’s on your side, it’s another with helping in finding your child. Avoiding Law Enforcement isn’t what I call helping at all!
29 October 2011: According to Cyndy Short, the attorney that WAS representing Bradley/Irwin, claims that she quit the case. We know it’s not because she isn’t getting enough publicity from this case, because she had made many statements and even did a walk-through with camera’s of the Bradley/Irwin house.
Megan Wright, received a phone call the night Lisa went missing from one of the cell phones that were taken from the Bradley/Irwin house. It was a 50 second phone call to her phone, but she doesn’t know who answered the called, or who was on the other end [interesting to say the least]. She said that she had been in the area before with her ex-boyfriend, but had never seen Lisa Irwin until she saw her on the news. She said she has been interviewed 4 times by Police.
The interviews with the step-brothers of Lisa was canceled by the notorious ‘needs attention’ attorney Joe Tacopina from New York. It is not known of these interviews will happen, but the DNA samples will be provided. Guess when you have a court order for DNA samples, there is nothing this hot shot attorney can do.
28 October 2011: The brother’s of Lisa were to be interviewed today, but that is now on hold. One of the many attorney’s canceled the interview. Again we are seeing signs that the family is not talking [cooperating] with police, so they can come forward and have their spokes-attorney say whatever it is he has to say, but sounds like this family is DONE helping. The parents won’t even commit to separate interviews with LE. The parents also canceled their media conference yesterday stating they are ‘exhausted‘. I am not sure what they are exhausted from, but according to the attorney it’s been exhausting for these parents.
Yesterday police searched a Northland Lake in Chaumiere Woods Park, a lake about 2 miles from the Irwin house. The search started at around 11 am and ended less than an hour later. The search turned up nothing and was not from a tip. The police are trying to widen their search for Lisa.
27 October 2011: The parent’s refuse to be questioned separately. of course one of the many attorney’s said being questioned separately isn’t the issue! [Apparently it is the issue] The attorney says they want detectives to be fair, open-minded and non-accusatory. According to the attorney the detectives want the parents to be without their attorney while being questioned. There is a planned news conference for today, Thursday, and the parents will be talking!
26 October 2011: Today is day 23 in the case of missing Lisa. Police have cleared about 800 tips in the case of missing Lisa, and nothing new to report.
Child services specialist trained to interview kids, will be re-interviewing the step-brothers of Lisa Irwin this Friday. DNA samples will be taken from the boys. The boys are relevant witnesses in this case, because they were at home when Lisa went missing.
One of many defense attorney’s the Bradley/Irwins have, John Picerno said that he told his clients not to talk to police. According to Picerno, the jails are full of people who talk to police. The bigwig attorney from New York, who is the mouth piece on the morning shows said that he would allow Bradley/Irwin to talk to police under conditions. The right hand apparently isn’t talking to the left hand!
Well that settles that.
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