The command center is still up and running. They have about 47 Tips on the hotline, but are not pursuing them all.
UPDATE: PARENTS plea for Lisa’s safe return:
Law enforcement after noon update
The amber alert for Lisa Irwin has been called off, but many are still searching for her. More than 100 police, Canine officers, FBI Agents have widen the search for Lisa. The police believe the parents that she was taken through a window in the early morning of Tuesday. Authorities found the window tampered with. A strange man carrying a baby around 1 am was seen around the house, by a neighbor.
Lisa is wearing purple shorts and purple shirt with white kittens on it. She has blue eyes and blonde hair about 30 inches long and 26-30 pounds. She has 2 bottom teeth, a small bug bite under her left ear, a beauty mark on her right outer thigh and has a cold and a cough.
From the morning News Conference:
The have called off the Amber Alert after 12 hours, which is normal!
The Command post has been up and running all night, and they are waiting on that one lead which they have not received yet. They have sent the dogs into the big wooded area and will be sending them in again.
The window was a big part of the investigation and it is unknown what they have come up with. LE is trying to get the parents to do a presser, and they are working on it. The parents may not be comfortable doing a presser, but Le would like them too and won’t pressure them.
They will be contacting the home owners that were not home yesterday and make contact with them.
The media is hounding about the parents and if they were involved. LE said that they can not ruling anything out, but the parents have been very cooperative.
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