Let’s be clear, Smollett was NOT exonerated

I love the fact that Smollett thinks he’s been exonerated, but all he’s done is helped himself look stupider than ever! He’s guilty!! Dropping charges does NOT make him innocent!! (If you are innocent of a crime and doing community service, get a new attorney! Innocent people don’t pay for a crime they didn’t commit)


“We believe he did what he was charged with doing,” Magats said. “This was not an exoneration. To say he was exonerated by us or anyone else is not true.”  “It may not have been the disposition that everybody thought would occur,” Magats said. “He did do community service. He did forfeit $10,000. It’s a fair and just disposition in the case.”


So with that said, Smollett was guilty as charged!  He did his community service, which should have been 100+ hours, he got only 16 hours, and he forfeited his bond!  Anyone who’s innocent does not forfeit their bond!

Smollett did the crime and did the time Of course he thinks he’s innocent! He’s GUILTY as charged!! The homophobic and racist is Smollett!!

Next I’ll post about who was involved!  I think you’ll be mighty surprised who got his charges dropped in exchange for community service and 10k

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