Freund police report 4 September 2018

An officer was dispatched on 4 September 2018 to Dole and Hastings for a dog running around in the yards. When she arrives she walked around the area in the front and backyards with negative results. As she was in the backyard of 90 Dole she heard a lady talking from the backyard of 94 Dole and there was Joann with a brown boxer. Joanne stated that Lucy the boxer is her dog and she must’ve broke her leash, for it was still attached to the collar of Lucy. Since she had control of Lucy the officer left the scene.

On 5 September the officer heard a call come over the radio that the same dog was running loose. She headed to doll and saw Lucy in the front yard of 94 doll inside Joanne Cunningham doing some yard work on the side of the house. The officer walked up to the house Lucy was barking at her but more scared than aggressive and Lucy walked right up to Joanne. The others are going to Joanne why she was there again. Joanne stated that she knew Lucy was in the yard and that she believes that her two neighbors didn’t like her and that they were calling every chance they get.

Officer explained that they don’t have a leash law but at the same time she needs to be in control of Lucy which the officer believed she was. The officer explained to make sure she gets the leash that Lucy broke the day before fixed so that the neighbors aren’t calling on her because there are chances that animal control would need to get involved. She was very understanding and apologetic.

This report faxed to animal control.

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