First posted at 1044
Sound like mom and dad were charged in the murder of AJ. Waiting on the very late news conference.
Reading around the news this morning, CBS Chicago Had a gentleman on who spoke with them. He said at around 2:16 on the video Hopefully it’s not him if it is we can move forward, move on and get to the bottom of this. Let’s just say a prayer for AJ
View the video here: Video
This morning state prosecutor and Cunningham’s attorney were seen leaving the crystal lake police station. Joann Cunningham, AJ’s mother, was also there but was not seen leaving. An ambulance did leave the police station, it is unknown who was in it. Investigators removed items from the house this morning, including a mattress and bags of items. They also removed plastic bind full of evidence. Cunningham’s attorney stated that he “has no comment!”
It’s just my guess, but I bet the mother did it. She directed cops to AJ’s location.
Police will hold a 1 pm [central time] news conference. Today marks 1 week since AJ went missing!!

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