Caylee would have been 6 years old

Today would have been Caylee’s 6th birthday!  She would have been in the First Grade and had many friends!  But all that was cut short by her murderer.

On 16 June 2008 her so called mother, murdered her.  Caylee was an abused little girl. She had bruises on her face, seems all the time.  If she wasn’t sporting a bruise under an eye, she was more than likely wearing duct tape over her mouth leaving some form of discoloration!

She lived a short life of misery.  According to the murderers mother [perjurer Cynthia], she would have outbursts just come from out of the blue when she would be watching TV.  She would start crying and screaming, so the murderers mother said.   A sign a nurse should see?  Well that would go back to just what a real nurse the murderers mother was.  SHE WASN’T!

Caylee had no friends!  She had no little people to play with.  She spent most her time with a bunch of nuts!  If she wasn’t knocked out at a party sleeping while the murderer was living the good life, she was sleeping in the trunk of the white sunfire sleeping by the nanny.

REST IN PEACE Caylee!  You are by far in a better place then you were on this planet.  You will never have another birthday, but you will always be remember!


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