Three years still Unsolved: Aniya Allen murder

Aniya Allen’s murder is coming up on 3 years, and it’s still unsolved!

More info on Aniya Allen murder

On 17 May 2021, 6-year-old Aniya Allen and her mother had just left a McDonald’s when at the intersection of N. 36th and Penn Av. shots from what is believed between two gangs rung out and hit Aniya. Aniya mom, Antrice Sease drove her directly to the Hennepin County Medical Center. Aniya was in critical condition.  Sadly Aniya succumb to her injuries on 19 May 2021.

Anyone with information related to these case is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at crimesto​ or the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension at 877-996-6222 or​​


Patrick Dembley arrested charged and guilty of shooting man, same gun that killed Aniya.

The gun that killed Aniya, was also used in a shooting that paralyzed a 19-year-old man who was shot in his car while sitting at Mayslack’s bar in Northeast Minneapolis. Camera’s in the area lead to the arrest of Patrick Dembley. Dembley was arrested and released on $80k bail. He is from Maple Grove. Dembley has admitted to carrying a gun at a Northeast Minneapolis bar in 2021 when he shot and injured a man. Police say at least one casing from the same weapon was found in the area where Aniya Allen was killed only days later. In 2022, Dembley was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for seriously injuring the man.


Also happening!  The large pink banner you see in the photo below was stolen from the Aniya’s corner N Penn Ave and   N 36th Ave around 19 April 2024.  If you have any information please alert Aniya’s Facebook page

‘Aniya’s Corner,’ shown here on her heavenly birthday, September 5, 2023. The North Minneapolis intersection memorializes Aniya Allen, who was shot here in May, 2021. It was recently updated with a custom altar and banner that reads “Justice for Aniya Allen.” Andrea Ellen Reed for The Trace

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