Note: This page is under construction. Although thousands of people volunteered to search for Caylee, this list will focus, for the most part, on individuals who may be called as witnesses in the case against Casey.
Timothy Miller (aka: Tim Miller) – Director of Texas EquuSearch (TES) which was founded in August, 2000 after the abduction and murder of his daughter, Laura. It is a 501(c) (3) non profit, all-volunteer organization with a mission to assist local law enforcement personnel in searching for missing individuals.
Lisa Hoffman – TES Staff Member who accompanied Tim Miller at the Anthony home on the day an alleged attempt was made to have Casey mark and ‘X’ on a map to indicate where TES should start searching for Caylee. She witnessed a map on the kitchen table… she did not hear the conversations about having Casey mark an X on a map, but Tim shared his frustration about it with her. Tim spoke with Cindy… Cindy became angry that they wanted to look for a “body” versus Caylee alive, so she told them all to get the hell out of her house.
Brett Churchill – He along with Shelly Churchill (Brett’s wife) and Kristin Churchill (Brett’s 21 y/o daughter) were volunteers with TES and conducted 3 or 4 independent searches for Caylee. Brett tells LE about Tim Miller’s story of how he almost had Casey (while on home confinement in the Anthony home) convinced to put an ‘X‘ on a map of where they should start searching for Caylee. Brett and Bill Todd went up in a helicopter with the two officers. And they took pictures of the Suburban DR wooded areas. They could see right through the tree line that it was still soaking wet in there.
Mandy Albritton – TES Director and Spokesperson. Provided information TES search efforts and techniques. She gave an overview of TES team deployment procedures for the three (#1 – August/September; #2 – October and #3 – November 2008) search efforts. Ms. Albritton was in Orlando, FL for searches #1 & #3.
Helen Davis – TES Team Leader for search #1 on Suburban DR in August/September. She maintained the Field Activity Report which details the area(s) searched and the people searching on Suburban DR. She took digital photographs of the search area and of certain items of interest she found. There were no photographs of the area where the remains were found. A cursory search was conducted by this team because the water levels were too high to do a more thorough search.
Carol Conaway – TES volunteer and her daughter, Jennifer Conaway traveled on horseback from Deltona to participate in search #1 on Suburban DR in August 2008. They searched in Zone #1 near Hidden Oaks Elem. and walked down toward Zone #2 but did not search that area. They described the standing water as black and murky in both areas. They also returned for search #2 on 11/7/2008 to search another location.
Brett Douglas Reilly – TES Team Leader during the September & November searches coordinated by TES. He and his team searched the area near the Hidden Oaks Elementary School and worked towards the location on Suburban closer to Hopespring DR. When TES left Orlando, Brett and a few others returned to the Suburban DR wooded area every 2 or 3 weeks to check to see if the water levels had receded in the swampy are closest to Hopespring DR. At no time were they about to get to this area because it was still flooded. He met Kristina Chester who told him those two areas on Suburban DR would be her best guess about where to search. When he asked her about knowing anything about ZFG, Kristina laughed and said she was Caylee’s baby-sitter.
Richard Creque – TES Team Leader for search #1. On 9/5/08 & 9/6/08 to lead groups in searching on Suburban DR near the Hidden Oaks Elem. As they proceeded down the street toward the discovery site, the water down where the land sloped was too deep to go any further. Richard’s wife Laurie Creque joined him in the search on 9/5/08 (her birthday) because what she wanted to do for her B-Day was to search for Caylee.
Bill Todd & Carolyn – TES volunteers. Billwas approached while at the Command Post by P.I. James Hoover about an incident he heard of regarding someone seeing Casey Anthony’s car parked on Suburban DR with the trunk open. He completed a debrief form regarding this conversation. However, that document has never been found.
Lori Anne Cree – TES volunteer searcher September, October, and November 2008. She and others also searched independently for a total of 11 to 12 times in the Suburban DR locations (near Hidden Oak Elem. and the discovery site). Described the area near the discovery site as covered with thick underbrush; flooded and mucky in September 2008.
Joseph S. Jordan – Board Member of S.A.V.E. Kaylee He claims he searched the area of Suburban DR near the Anthony home on 9/1/08. He and five or six other people, including two who were dog handlers – Danny Ibison and another dog handler from the Panama City Sheriff’s Office. On 9/13/08 he led an independent “S.A.V.E. Kaylee” search team.
On September 1, 2008, I and a group of approximately 30 TES volunteers went to the area of Suburban and Hope Springs Streets [sic] in Orlando, Florida. We went to that area to search for the remains of Caylee Anthony. Although I was in the area with over 30 people, only five to six volunteers and I searched the area by the stockade fence along the south side of Suburban Street [sic] near Hope Springs Street [sic]. Among the five to six volunteers with me were Danny Ibison and his dog and a Panama City Sheriff’s Deputy with one of his two dogs.
Daniel Ibison – trained cadaver dog handler. He participated in the TES search for Caylee in early September on 5 different occasions. His observation of the Suburban/Hopespring DR environmental conditions: thick underbrush and standing water prevented at approx. 10 – 15 feet into the area and was deeper further back. The water levels prevented him from deploying his cadaver dog.
Captain Clyde Cole – (aka: Greg) Gulf County Sheriffs Office employee who participated in the search for Caylee Anthony in September of 2008. He is a cadaver dog trainer and handler. Clyde brought two of his trained cadaver dogs to assist in the search efforts at the far eastern end of Suburban Drive. Clyde knows where the remains were eventually located and stated neither he nor his cadaver dogs ever searched that particular area. He also stated that the area the remains were located in would have been “most difficult if not impossible to search … because of the amount of water in the area.”
Kevin Rodriques – contacted by TES to assist in the search for Caylee. FL-3 Airboat SAR team searched the area of Lake Glory. On 9/27/08 a cadaver dog alerted on a child’s Minnie Mouse Dress (red w/white polka dots & black)
Laura Buchanan – Currently lives in Mendham, NJ. Traveled from KY to Orlando, FL to participate in the 1st TES lead search in September 2008. She was assigned as a TES Team Leader for J. Blanchard Park. She submitted a sworn statement that the remains of Caylee Anthony were not there on 9/3/08 when she searched the wooded area of Suburban DR. [This was not her assigned search area] Her TES form 214 for the Suburban location may be bogus. A copy of this form was submitted to Defense Team P.I. Mortimer Smith.
On September 3, 2008, the team in which I was assigned, [from TES], went to Suburban Street [sic] in Orlando and searched the area near where the remains of Caylee Anthony were found. We were in that area for approximately 3 to 4 hours. I personally searched near the privacy fence and worked my way towards and then beyond the spot where the body was found. I did not notice anything unusual. I did not notice a strange smell. I noticed no buzzards, nor unusual animal or insect activity. It is my opinion that the remains of Caylee Anthony were not there during the time of our search.
Drew Tate – Interviewed by WESH reporter on 12/11/08 shortly after OCSO announced the find of human remains in the wooded area on Suburban DR. He and others searched this area twice. One search with TES and other with a group. He described the area as overgrown with a lot of vines, therefore they couldn’t see anything.
Sean Henady – 1291 Cumberland AV, W. Lafayette, IN. On 8/24/09 his name was added to the Prosecution’s witness list. Founder and President of Aerial Image Corp.- an aerial imaging, mapping & photography business. Volunteers his time and equipment to help search for missing persons. Tim Miller requested Sean’s help, in the search for Caylee, in Aug 2008 & Nov 2008.
Tony Rovinsky – Experienced Search & Rescue Military (Navy). Searched for Caylee in the Suburban DR area as a volunteer with TES in the 1st search – September 2008. An ATV got stuck in this area. He and approx. 6 – 8 other volunteers decided to continue to independently search the Suburban DR location after TES suspended the search effort on 9/7/08. His observation was the area where Caylee was later found was deep under water, therefore inaccessible during all of their searches. LE AUDIO INTERVIEW.
Roy Marvin Kronk – Currently resides in St. Cloud, FL. Ex-wives: Jill Renee Kerley (formerly Jill Renee KRONK, aka: Jill Renee FERGUSON, Jill Renee SAVAGE) and Crystal Ann Sparks (formerly Crystal Ann Kronk). His work history includes, but is not limited to, U.S. Military & Coast Guard; Bail Bondsman & Bounty Hunter; and Meter Reader, OC Public Works [5/26/08 – 10/27/09]. After three attempts to notify the authorities regarding a suspicious bag in the 8900 block of Suburban DR in August 2008, Kronk returned to the same location on 12/11/08 and found the remains of Caylee Marie Anthony.
Keith Dustin Williams – Conducted an independent search for Caylee in the woods behind Hidden Oaks Elem. on 8/18/08. He lived in the Chickasaw Trail neighborhood up until 5 yrs. ago. Found a “Father’s Day” balloon and other items of interest.
Joy Roseann Wray – Altamonte Springs, FL resident who claimed she was a TES Team Leader and that she searched for Caylee one time with this group. Additionally, Joy claimed she conducted independent searches (including taking pics/videos). LE interviews with her did not result in obtaining any credible information.
Gale St. John – Psychic joined the search for Caylee. She and the members of her team rode from Hopespring DR to Suburban DR on 8/11/08. Gale had to stop the van to let Hilo (the dog) out because he became ill. Riding in a van with Gale doing the “blind run” were the following:
Travis J. Sanders – Psychic Medium and Gale’s apprentice.
Tamra St. John – Gale St. John’s daughter.
Colleen Klocek – HRD (Human Remains Detection) Dog Trainer. She stated that neither Gale nor her dog – Hilo passed the necessary classes in order to obtain a certification.
Thomas Berning – Independent searcher from Kissimmee, FL. Found shallow grave w/stick and string on Suburban Dr.
Patrick King – Independent searcher from Kissimmee, FL. Found shallow grave w/stick and string on Suburban Dr.
Aviation Observer Robert McCullough – Orlando Police Dept
Aviation Pilot Gillis, Orlando Police Dept
David Lohr, New York City, NY – writer – filmed TES searches
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