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Rick is Cindy’s brother. Cindy’s maiden name is public record. Cindy’s maiden last name and Rick’s last name are the same. Therefore Rick’s last name is in the public record.
Rick was not “afraid” to give out his last name, because we all know what his last name would be. He didn’t give his last name because he has no clue what it is!
Ergo, Rick is a fraud.
You are a stupid, stupid man. Someone put my name and address on the other post 2 days ago when I revealed who I was. I don’t care to have my last name put out there. Give me your email address and I will send you some of my pix from my wedding where my sister and Casey were present. I understand you right to be skeptacle but if you knew the Anthony family you would know that she has 3 brothers and that I am the one that lives in Myrtle Beach, SC. What is you affiliation with the Anthony’s? You really know nothing of them except what you see on TV. I don’t want my picture on TV. As a family member I am ashamed that this happened to someone in MY family. I wouldn’t ever have imagined anything so terrible happing to even anyone that I know let alone my family. I love my sister and feel bad for her. i in know way badmouthed her. I only filled in the blanks as to what I know to be true on what happened. This has been hard on all of us family members and has nearly killed what is left of my father. My mom and dad have to be on sedatives as they are so upset. My dad is 85 years old and has had a stroke. He was doing okay until this happened. Mom can’t even talk to Cindy any more as Cindy won’t talk to family anymore. They are hurting very much. I am not seeking fame or fortune from this. I am embarressed by all of this as it is. There are some really kind people on this blog. I was only trying to give them some back ground on this situation. The police have tons of information that they won’t release to the public. They suspect that Caylee is dead as there is NO evidence of a babysitter. I ask Cindy to show me one person who has ever seen the sitter other than Casey and I will believe you. I begged her to just tell me that someone could verify a babysitter. She couldn’t!
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ooh, someone thinks I am nuts and clueless for actually liking a lot of you guys…
wonder who that could be…
Karen: I am sorry i didn’t get to answer you questions last night. I was trying to load some pictures and get the on the photo bucket that someone set up. My computed crashed and i had to reboot and find this site again. I missed a lot of questions. I was very tired also. my spelling got worse as the night went on. I didn’t proof read what I had typed. I believe you asked why i wanted to talk to Greta and Nancy. Because there was a lot of misinformation out there and I wanted to help clear it up. I was stunned after hearing what had happened. My mom filled me in just before it broke on TV. Cindy left out a lot of why Casey left in the first place. My mom was visited by the sherrif’s dept. and she filled them in.
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Hi Rick,
Great to see you back here this morning!
You’re my hero!
I will be posting from time to time. My wife thinks I am obsessed with all that is going on. She says I need to focus on some other stuff to get my mind off of this. She yelled at me last night for being on the computer so long. I don’t want to make her angry. She is the best cook in the world. lol. anyway, i will check in from time to time to answer questions. If Greta contacts me you will either hear me VIA phone or in person on her show. I don’t know how my wife feels about me being on TV on Greta. We are private people. Thanks for your support.
To RickA1P71
I am glad you are sharing with us what you can. It is not surprising that someone jacked your name after your left the other night. You have registered now which should put a stop to that and provided photos with recognizable faces in them. I don’t see why the continuing need for questioning who you are from everyone. As far as I am concerned it doesn’t matter if you are Cindy’s sister or not – you provide helpful info and it either came from your knowledge of the family or you are a great internet sleuth – either way you are an asset. You aren’t here being hateful or coming up with “rampant speculation and unfounded theories”.
That said maybe you can answer this: Cindy’s July 3 myspace comment said Casey came back home, pregnant needing help. Was she living outside her parents’ home at any other time? How far along was she when she told her parents? I have read 7 months.
I got married June 4, 2005. We got married on the beach in Myrtle Beach. It was just to be a small little ceremony. I invited my mom and dad and Cindy and George. Cindy arrived the day before the wedding with Casey. Casey was wearing a tight fitting top and her belly was visibly extended with her navel protruding a good 1/2 inch. I ask Cindy and George when we were alone “do you have some news to tell me about Casey,” and they what are you talking about. I said you know, she pregnant. They look at me like I was crazy. They say no way. I said she is pregnant I would bet on it. They said that they ask her and Casey told them that she would have to have had sex to be pregnant. They believed her. Everyone on my wife’s side of the family said who is the pregnant girl. Even my wife’s sons and her daughter asked. It was ridiculous. I told them to take her to a doctor. They finally did in July. She was nearly 8 months then!
Talk about telling a lie. That is when i saw the first evidence of what a liar Casey was.
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Welcome back Rick. If you can ignore Duh, I hope you will at least find civil conversation here. Do you know if Casey had ever left with Caylee for extended periods before? I met Casey in May, and my impression was that she wasn’t really raising Caylee. I never met Cindy, but assumed after seeing Caylee with Casey that grandparents were doing the raising.
Dave, You are correct. My sister did most of the care for Caylee. Cindy adored Caylee. Caylee like Cindy a lot more than Casey. This was also part of the problem. We all know how gramma and grampa can spoil our kids. Caylee loved Cindy very much.
Rick, you wrote:“… Casey has stolen over $25,000 from her mom and dad through credit cards. Cindy had to go into her 401K from work to pay off all the bills. That is why the Anthony’s were behind on some payments…”
Was the $25,000 ‘stolen’ by Casey via credit cards over a prolonged period of time, i.e., 3-12 months, or was it limited to her absence from the Anthony home, approx. June 15- July 15?
This had been going on for a period of time. My mom told me that Cindy told her that she had to withdraw all of her 401K to cover all that Casey stole. She said she had $45K in her 401K account. I know my sister can exagerate a little and it could have been less. We think Casey stole at least $25K. That could be a little low if Cindy was telling the truth about having $45K in there.
Rick – has Casey ever lived anywhere other than with her parents? I thought Cindy’s myspace sounded like she was coming back home pregnant.
Gotta love Myrtle Beach.
Not that I was told. She has always lived with my sister
You state yesterday that Cindy may have possibly
threatened casey that she was going to take custody of little caylee..
Do you think after that fight on fathers day weekend that Casey mindset was If I wont have my child you wont have her either?
and do you possibly think any chance in world
that Casey is just hiding caylee from Cindy?
Or knowing her and her behavior would she really purposely harm caylee to get back at Cindy..
Clearly there is TONS of jealousy
The jealousy was present. Cindy told my mom that she thought Casey took Caylee to punish her. She thought Casey was delibertly not letting her see or even talk to Caylee. She in no way suspected that Casey didn’t have Caylee anymore. She don’t think Casey could harm Caylee. I personally think it could have been an accident that Casey is covering up. My sister still thinks that there is a sitter even though she never saw her or doesn’t know anyone who ever saw her. That is bazaar. True signs of denial.
Here is Rick’s profile, nothing there but a picture of him and Grandpa? Post are from: Topix
Other stuff found: posted by mama_mouse
Cindy and George were at work when Casey tried to call them. They weren’t on vacation
lying about everything all the time has gotten her in this mess. I personally think it probably was an accident and she is trying to cover it up.
Hmmm wrote:<quoted text>
Lee had a DUI. Most people consider that trouble.
That was covered up too. Not suprised.
LCM wrote:Thank you Rick for sharing some insight on the family!
You are very welcome. I want this to have a happy ending but my gut and brain tell me different. We need the FBI forensic report.
Ann wrote:Rick, When Cindy and George found out about Caylee missing, they should have taken their daughter home, made her sit down, and screamed bloody murder at her until she caved!!!!!!!!!! This is what normal parents would have done! This “sweetheart” thing that Cindy said is just plain dumb. How can you call your daughter sweetheart, when she lost your grandchild!
I agree 100%!!! These are stupid people.

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