Otis Lee Jackson charged with second-degree murder of 2-year-old

Otis Lee Jackson, 30, is charged with second-degree murder while committing a felony and malicious punishment of 2-year-old Ona’Je Prince Sincere Jackson-Jones.

Two days after the child’s death, 5/6/2022 Navonna Latina West was charged with two counts of malicious punishment of a child. Her felony charges were amended in February to child endangerment and she pleaded guilty. She is scheduled to appear in court on May 1.

Navonna West

Here’s the complaint:


Otis Lee Jackson charged murder

The Complainant submits this complaint to the Court and states that there is probable cause to believe Defendant committed the following offense(s):

Charge: Murder – 2nd Degree – Without Intent – While Committing a Felony
Minnesota Statute: 609.19.2(1), with reference to: 609.19.2(1) Maximum Sentence: 40 YEARS
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 05/04/2022
Control #(ICR#): 22094284
Charge Description: That on or about 5/4/2022 in Hennepin County, Minnesota, Otis Jackson, did without intent to effect the death of any person, cause the death of Victim A, a human being, while committing or attempting to commit the felony offense of malicious punishment of a child.

Charge: Malicious Punishment of a Child
Minnesota Statute: 609.377.1, with reference to: 609.377.4 Maximum Sentence: 5 YEARS AND/OR $10,000
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 05/04/2022
Control #(ICR#): 22094284
Charge Description: That on or about 5/4/2022 in Hennepin County, Minnesota, Otis Lee Jackson, the parent, legal guardian or caretaker of Victim B a person under the age of 4, did by an intentional act and/or a series of intentional acts with respect to Victim B evidence unreasonable force and/or cruel discipline that was excessive under the circumstances and the punishment resulted in bodily harm to the head, eyes, neck, or otherwise caused multiple bruises to the body.

Complainant has investigated the facts and circumstances of this offense and believes the following establishes probable cause:

On May 4, 2022, Minneapolis Police Officers were dispatched to a known residence located in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on a child not breathing call. Upon arrival, officers located Victim A as well as his mother, Navonna Latina West. The mother was attempting CPR on Victim A. Victim A was transported to the hospital where he later died.

Officers at the scene and at the hospital, observed numerous injuries on Victim A’s body, including bruising and scratches. An autopsy was performed and the medical examiner observed blunt force injuries in various stages of healing. The medical examiner determined that the cause of Victim A’s death was complications of multiple blunt force injuries and ruled the manner of death a homicide.

After observing the injuries to Victim A, officers had his four-month-old brother, Victim B, brought to the hospital for an examination.

Complainant observed that four-month-old brother-Victim B had the following visible injuries:
– Bruising on left side of body.
– Scabbing, possible lesions, under scrotum sack
– Large possible chemical burn around and under belly button
– Four possible burn marks on the back
– Blood in right eye, scarring across bridge of nose between eyes, loss of pigmentation on the side of head leading up to both eyes.

A Child Abuse Pediatrician treated Victim B and observed several injuries to his face.
It was also determined that Victim B suffered multiple rib fractures and had fluid is his abdomen.
There was also a positive test result showing that Victim B had been exposed to fentanyl.

Further investigation into this case revealed that the abusive injuries to both victims were caused by the mother’s boyfriend, Otis Lee Jackson, DOB 4/10/1993, “Defendant” herein.

The mother reported that Defendant and her were living together with the children.
The mother reported that she did not cause the injuries to either child victim.
The mother reported that there would be times that the mother would leave the children in the care of Defendant.

In the days before Victim A’s death, the mother noticed that Victim A was very weak, had bruises on his side and behind his ear, and was throwing up. When the mother noticed the burns on Victim B’s stomach, she asked Defendant if he had accidentally burned Victim B with a cigarette. Defendant replied that he did not know, which did not make sense to the mother.

The mother reported that she had wanted to take the children to the hospital but whenever she would ask Defendant, Defendant would say he had something to do and take the mother’s car and phone. The mother did not press Defendant for more information because she knew it would turn in to an argument where Defendant would physically assault her.

The mother reports Defendant being physically abusive towards her during their relationship. Defendant has previously been convicted of Assault 2 against the mother who was pregnant with Victim A at the time of that offense in 2019.

Complainant is aware of a prior case where Defendant caused similar injuries to a 2 month old child when Defendant was around 14 years old. In that case, Defendant claimed that he accidentally burned the child with hot soup. The child was examined by a physician who found that “the appearance of the burns is not consistent with an accidental mechanism of injury. Specifically, the linear and circular appearance is sharply demarcated and indicates prolonged contact with a heated, circular object. It is also concerning
that the burns are positioned directly over each nipple, a finding which supports a diagnosis of inflicted
burns rather then accidental injury.

The defendant is in custody.

Case No: 2022-03203
Decedent: Jackson, Ona’Je Prince Sincere
Age: 2 years
Race: Black
City: Minneapolis
Date of Death: 5/4/2022
Time of Death: 18:18
Location of Death: 701 Park Avenue Hennepin Healthcare Minneapolis MN 55415
Manner of Death: Pending Investigation
Cause of Death: Pending Investigation
Investigating Agency: Minneapolis Homicide Investigation Minneapolis Crime Lab

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