As the search continues for baby Lisa, her mother Deborah is talking on the media circuit. On the ‘Today‘ show, Deborah said that she was drunk the night that Lisa went missing from her crib. I guess it is true, you can get drunk off boxed wine! Deborah has changed her story to, the last time I saw Lisa was 6:40 pm [I do find it odd she never checked on Baby Lisa after 6:40 pm]. And her being drunk could be why she didn’t hear the baby monitor, nor the dog barking. Remember she stated the last time she saw Lisa was 10:30? Well of course she is now just waiting to be arrested, guess when your story changes, you are under suspicion. On Sunday, about 25 Missouri National Guard joined forces with police for the search for Lisa.
Also a bit of information on this PI Wild Bill Stanton. I guess he has hobnobbed with the big boys of Hollywood. Of his buddies are Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis. He was only a New York Police officer for 3-4 years before he went into retirement from a hand injury. I guess he blabs about ways of policing, which I find odd….3-4 years on a police force in the 1980’s and he knows how to police. So who is flipping his bill and what does he think he can do for the missing case of Lisa irwin? Get his name out is what I am thinking, and publicity! He is NOT a licensed private detective in Missouri, nor does he have access to police finding. Interesting to say the least.
Dan Abrams questions the parents of Lisa Irwin on Good morning America
Have a TIP: contact your local FBI OFFICE or call 911. Or report a tip at the FBI Tipline online
→ FBI agents and canines are searching an Irwin-Bradley family home on N. Walrond.
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