Law Enforcement – OSCO, FDLE CSI, FBI, et al

jdemingsJerry L. Demings, Sheriff OCSO – On 11/4/08 he was elected the first African-American Sheriff and Constitutional Officer in the history of Orange County, FL

Sheriff Demings is married to Orlando Police Chief Valdez B. Demings.

Kevin Beary, Sheriff OCSO – the chief law enforcement officer of Orange County, FL. After 16 years as Sheriff, he RETIRED on 1/5/09 and handed over the reigns to Jerry Demings.

nieves Captain Angelo Nieves – OSCO Captain & Media Spokesperson

carlosp Deputy Sheriff Carlos Padilla, OCSO – media spokesperson

Commander Matthew J. Irwin, OCSO He is Corporal Yuri Melich’s and Sgt. John Allen’s Supv.  Conducted investigation of Anthony backyard on 7/17/08. Conducted interviews witnessed by Special Agent Nick Savage, FBI with Leonard Padilla and associates in Sacramento, CA on 9/18 and 9/19/08.

Detective Corporal Yuri N. Melich, OSCO Lead Detective. Testified at Bond Hearing 7/22/08

Detective Corporal Eric William Edwards, OCSOAssisted in completing a timeline of events, witness interviews and evidence collected.

Detective Corporal Michael D. Segreaves, OCSO – met with Barbara Carey, Supv. @U.S. P.O.

Corporal Bryan T. Tittle, OCSO completed a supplemental report on a tip he followed up on. The tip yield no additional information.

Corporal Rendon Fletcher, OCSO – went to SawGrass Apts to see who lived in apartment # 210.

Detective Sgt John Allen, OCSO – Supervisor in charge of the investigation

Detective Sgt Kevin P. Stenger, OCSO Computer Crimes Unit – Assisted in conducting forensic exam of electronic items

Detective Appling S. Wells, IV, OCSO – (aka: Appie or Happy) He and Sgt. Allen took Casey to Universal Studios to look into her office that didn’t exist.

Detective Samara Melich, OCSO – On 7/23/08 she followed up on tip (Caylee sighting) by Wanda Wery & her son, Nicholas Hunt. On 7/2/08 while waiting to board a Trans Air Flight to Atlanta, GA from OIA, Wanda and her son claim to have spoken to Caylee.

Detective Sandra G Cawn, OCSO – Computer Crimes Unit – assisted in conducting forensic exam on electronic items.

Detective Kevin S. Kraubetz, OCSO – met with Amanda Macklin, mgr. @ Sawgrass Apts.

Detective Michael Kispert, OCSO – conducted canvas of Sawgrass Apt.

Detective David D Clarke, OCSO – met with Amanda Macklin, mgr. @ Sawgrass Apts.

Detective Pedro Rivera, OCSO – obtained testimony (D. Colamarino, M. Kissh, and S. & J. Daly)

Detective Ricardo Lee, OCSO – met with Bobby Lee Williams & Lance White at Cast Iron Tattoo

Detective Susan Hempfield, OCSOAssisted with witness interviews

Detective Charity R Beasley, OCSO – assisted with witness interviews & retrieval of the 1998 Pontiac Sunfire from Hopespring Drive.

Detective Christopher Dillon, OCSO Assisted with witness interviews

Detective Corporal Susan Carver, OCSO

Deputy Ryan Eberlin, OCSO – drove Casey to all of the bogus locations she claimed were assoc. with ZFG and/or her mother. 1st respondent to Cindy’s report of stolen vehicle.

Deputy Jerold L. White, OCSO – Obtained court order for cell phone records 7/17/08

Deputy Mark S. Hussey, OCSO – Homicide Unit investigator who presented Cindy Anthony’s Motorola V3 Razr cell phone to Deputy Sandra Cawn on 8/4/08 for the purpose of extracting all text messages and images. [discovery doc p. 1494]

Deputy Adriana Acevedo, OCSO – Dispatched to the Suburban DR site on 8/11/08 – 56’d the call (reported negative findings).

Deputy Kethlin Cutcher, OCSO – dispatched to the wooded area on Suburban DR on 8/13/08 while Deputy Richard Cain was there. Cain told her the suspicious bag was nothing but trash.

Deputy Elizabeth Collins, OCSO – responded to a call for service near the Hidden Oak Elementary School on Suburban Drive at 9 p.m. on 12/12/08.  She met w/Roy Kronk; filed a NR (no report) and advised Kronk to call OCSO in the morning hours to go out to search the area with him.

Deputy Eduard Turso, OCSO – responded to Roy Kronk’s call and met him at the wooded area on Suburban Drive on 12/11/09.  He secured the area with crime tape and started a crime scene contamination sheet.

Deputy Phillip Graves, OCSO – the officer who Lt. Uncer allegedly told about Casey’s reaction to the announcement regarding human remains found in wooded area on Suburban Drive on 12/11/09.

Deputy William McCoy, OCSO – contacted Eli Sleiman on 7/15/08 regarding possible Caylee sighting at Chucky Cheese.

Deputy Reginald Hosey, OCSO – completed initial Missing Persons Report.

Deputy Peter A. Marino, OCSO – conducted canvas of Sawgrass Apts.

Deputy Tanya DePalmo, OCSO – assisted in search of Anthony backyard and drainage easements

Deputy Kari Roderick, OCSO – obtained statement from the ZFG identified through Sawgrass Apts

CSI Gerardo Bloise, OCSO Forensic Unit – Lead Crime Scene Investigator. Conducted an examination of the 1998 WHT Pontiac Sunfire. He processed crime scene evidence by itemizing; photographing; packaging and tagging  items prior to submitting for testing (if applicable).

CSI Michael J. Vincent, OCSO Forensic Unit – Conducted investigation of Anthony backyard with other CSI’s and K-9 units. He also assisted CSI Bloise in documenting, photographing, and otherwise gathering evidence for this case.

CSI Jennifer L-H Welch, OCSO Forensic Unit – assisted with the processing effort at the Suburban DR crime scene and wrote report detailing observations and findings. [discovery doc pp. 3412 – 3463]

CSI Alina K. Burroughs, OCSO Forensic Unit – assisted CSI Bloise in documenting, photographing, and otherwise gathering evidence for this case.

CSI Christine Narkiewicz, OCSO Forensic Unit – assisted with executing a search warrant on Casey Anthony for collected buccal and hair standards.

Deputy Ryan P. Williams, OCSO – met with Tony Lazarro the night of 7/15/08 to obtain additional information regarding Caylee’s disappearance. No additional information was obtained.

Deputy Jason Forgey, OCSO – owner of cadaver dog – K9 “Gerus”

Deputy Kelly Y. Deguzman, OCSO – obtained Kristine C.’s and Jesse G.’s written statement

Deputy Tom Manderville, OCSO – met with Barbara Carey, Supv. @U.S. P.O.

Deputy Awilda McBryde, OCSO – Missing Persons Investigator

Deputy David E. Spall, OCSO

Deputy Robert R. Salamat, OCSO

Deputy Dorothy A. Rivera, OCSO

Deputy Joy McCabe, OCSO

Deputy Michael K. Erickson, OCSO

Deputy Shelly Meade, OCSO

Deputy Ron Stucker, OCSO

Richard Cain (former Deputy OCSO) – Responded within 20 mins. of George’s missing gas cans incident report on 6/24/08. Failed to thoroughly investigate tip (suspicious bag in wooded area off of Suburban DR) from Roy Kronk on 8/13/08. On 4/10/09 following an investigation conducted by Internal Affairs, Mr. Cain’s employment was terminated. He filed an appeal, then tendered his resignation on the eve prior to the scheduled appeal date.

Don Bjoring – Casey’s Home Confinement Officer

Detective Eric Ameye, Orlando Police Dept – In his sworn written statement dated 8/5/08, he referenced a series of voice-mail messages received from Luke Phillips and one from George Anthony.  They claimed Mr. Phillips had information about where Caylee was located.

Officer Faberile-Perez, Orlando Police Dept

Officer O’Dea, Orlando Police Dept

Lt D. Driscoll, Orlando Police Dept

Gillis, Orlando Police Dept Aviation Pilot

Officer Ed Michael, Orlando Police Dept

Robert McCullough, Orlando Police Dept Aviation Observer

Anthony Uzzi, Altamonte Springs Police Dept

Kevin Rodrigues, Tampa Airport Police Dept


K-9 Gerus is a cadaver dog trained to detect and alert on human decomposition. He alerted on the rear of Casey’s car.

K-9 Bones is a cadaver dog trained to detect and alert on human decomposition.  He alerted on a couple of areas in the Anthony’s backyard at 4937 Hopespring Dr, Orlando, FL.



  • Debbie Abney
  • Charles Broadway
  • Sabrina Gayer
  • Morgan Hayes
  • Denise Nevers
  • Patty Orta
  • Jessica Parks
  • Melissa Remy
  • Kristie Shaw



Officer Marlene Baker OCCC Officer who forwarded letter dated 8/14/08 to Sheriff Kevin Beary via Sgt. Dennis Moonsammy (Supv).  This was the letter Casey wrote requesting a meeting with her father, George.

Sgt Dennis Moonsammy  OCCC Shift Supervisor who oversees the Women’s Detention at the OC Correctional Center. He received and stapled the letter that addressed to Sheriff Berry to prevent it from being read by anyone other than the addressee.

Lt. Melanie Monroe – OCCC Officer who confirmed that a letter to Sheriff Beary was produced by Casey Anthony and Lt. Monroe passed the letter on to Detective Yuri Melich.

Lt. Billy Richardso – OCCC Officer involved with escorting Casey to the jail medical facility on 12/11/08.

Lt. Tammy Unser – OCCC Officer involved with escorting Casey to the jail medical facility on 12/11/08. Observed Casey’s reaction while watching the news (discovery of remains for a small child found in wooded area of Suburban DR) on the TV.

Silvia M. Hernandez – Former OCCC Officer. Casey & Robyn’s nickname for  her was ‘Shannon.’  She was hired as an OCC Officer in January 2008.  The 38 y/o guard was suspended with pay on 3/22/2010 while the FDLE investigates her role in facilitatng communications between and among Casey Anthony, Robyn Adams and Maya Derkovic. On 7/1/10, upon the completion of an Internal Affairs Investigation, Ms. Hernandez’s employment was terminated.

Melissa Fleming – OCCC Officer

Tracey Hall – OCCC Officer
Maria Kelly – OCCC Officer
Tasheka Mackey – OCCC Officer
Tiffany Moss – OCCC Officer
Ileana Santiago – OCCC Officer
Mark Underhill – OCCC Officer
Megan Valdivia – OCCC Officer



William Procknow, DCF – Interviewed Casey at OC Jail on 1/09/09

Dawn Murray, DCF – Interviewed Casey at OC Jail on 1/09/09



Special Agent Nicholas Savage (aka: Nick) – Assisting LE with various aspects of the criminal investigation process.

Special Agent Scott Bolin – Conducted video-taped interview of C & G Anthony on 7/30/08 & 7/31/08.
Special Agent Steve McElyea – Conducted video-taped interview of C & G Anthony on 7/30/08 & 7/31/08
Special Agent Anthony Ojeda – Conducted interview of Ms. Zenaida F. O. Rear, N. Miami Beach, FL based on a Caylee sighting tip.

Karen B. Cowan, FBI Intelligence Analyst – wrote in an e-mail dated 9/30/08, that a very interesting photo exists of the trunk liner, which highlights the very large stain. There appears to be an outline or silhouette of a child in the fetal position.

Lorie L. Gottesman, Forensic Document Examiner, FBI Lab, Quantico, VA – FBI found DNA on the duct tape, found over Caylee’s mouth, did not match Caylee or her family.  After several screenings, it was determined the DNA belonged to Ms. Gottesman.

Heather Seubert, Forensic Examiner, DNA Analyst Unit, FBI lab, Quantico, VA submitted Report of Examination dated 10/9/2008.

Stephen Shaw, Forensic Examiner, Trace Evidence Unit, FBI Lab, Quantico, VA

Maureen J. Bradley, PhD, Chemistry Unit, FBI Lab, Quantico, VA

Michael P. Rickenbach, Chemistry Unit, FBI Lab, Quantico, VA

Madeline A. Montgomery, Chemistry Unit, FBI Lab, Quantico, VA

Brandon N. Giroux, Firearms/Toolmarks Unit, FBI Lab, Quantico, VA

Catherine E. Theisen (formerly Comey), DNA Analysis Unit II, FBI Lab, Quantico, VA

Elizabeth K. Fontaine, FBI Lab, Quantico, VA

Karen Korsberg Lowe, FBI Lab, Quantico, VA

Carey T. Oien, FBI Lab, Quantico, VA

FBI Evidence Response Team

  • Lynn Billings
  • Charlotte Braziel
  • Susan Bucenell
  • Carol Bush
  • Pete Casso
  • Jan Decker
  • Mary Ellen Denning
  • Matt Denmark
  • Bill Eppright
  • Robert French
  • Brad Geeslin
  • Cathy Holley
  • Fred Humphries
  • Teresa Lamoureux
  • Patricia Mahn
  • Ken Mitchell
  • Nick Nance
  • Ed Ortega
  • Amy Pittman
  • Jay Redmond
  • Cindy Shepherd
  • Sharon Smith
  • José Zornitta


  • Kevin Bass
  • Tom Cronin
  • George Duke
  • Christina Hopkins
  • William E. Moore, PhD
  • Bill Powell
  • Reagan Rizo
  • Joe Sommers
  • Rick Voelker

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