Judge Perry has added an additional $145,660.21 to the murderers bill. Bringing the total of the amount of costs to $217,499.23. Small price to pay for the lies she had told everyone.
On 15 September, OCSO filed a revised investigations costs expense, addressing the State of Florida’s “Amended Motion to Tax Special Costs of Investigation and Prosecution and to Resrve Jurisdiction”. The OCSO had to break down in order to determine the work performed during the time from 15 July 2008 to 29 September 2008. The defendant filed an objection to the revised costs expense report raising that the hearing on this matter which the Court had already considered.
The Judge ordered: DENIED the defendants response; costs ARE related to the investigation and to pay [previous amount] $25,837.96 for costs of investigation and additional $119,822.25 for costs of investigation; the murderer shall reimburse the OCSO; this payment obligation is hereby reduced to a civil judgment against the murderer for which sum, let execution issue;granting part and denying part of the ‘State of Florida’s Amended Motion to Tax Special costs of investigation and prosecution and the Reserve Jurisdiction as modified. Judges Order
This is a good thing, and hopefully when all the other cases are finally taken care of: Zaneida Fernandez-Gonzalez; Texas Equusearch; the IRS, she has alot more money to pay! Guess she will have to start flipping those burgers at her local McDonalds!
Sign the petition to TRY the MURDERER in FEDERAL COURT: Petition 5000 signatures are needed
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