Joseph Sodd III Murder 2008

On June 18th, 2008 Joseph Sodd III was murdered near the intersection of 19th Avenue South and 7th Street South, near the Cedar Riverside neighborhood in Minneapolis. He was home from college for the summer and his family and friends are asking for your help. The motive for this murder is unclear at this time. Homicide investigators have put in hundreds of hours on this case and have developed many leads.
Sodd died in the early morning hours from a sharp force injury.

Investigators believe there are still members of the community that have information about this case.

Late-night homicide in Cedar-Riverside claims life of young dancer
By Roxanne Bergeron | June 19, 2008

Around 2 a.m. the morning of Wednesday, June 18, a man was found stabbed and unconscious near the intersection of South Seventh Street and 19th Avenue South, near Augsburg College in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood. He died shortly thereafter at Hennepin County Medical Center.

The victim has been identified as 20-year-old Joseph Sodd, III, an alumnus of Perpich Center for Arts Education. He was a dancer and a student at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle. No arrests have been made at this time. The Minneapolis Police Department Homicide Unit is investigating the crime.

The day before Sodd’s murder, a crime alert was issued for several neighborhoods on the East Bank near the University of Minnesota. Como, Marcy Holmes, Prospect Park and the University of Minnesota neighborhoods are involved in the alert. Three robberies of person have occurred since June 1, all involving female victims and black male suspects.

A personal safety workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, July 15 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Eastside Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second Street NE, Minneapolis. Call Second Precinct Crime Prevention Specialist Carol Oosterhuis at 612-673-2874 to register.

The crime alert advises the following:
Avoid carrying a purse or bag with valuables (large amounts of cash, checkbook, credit cards, etc). If you carry cash, carry a small amount in your front pocket or wear a waist pack that can be covered by a shirt or jacket. Do not resist if a robber wants your handbag. Being pulled down by the shoulder strap of your bag or purse can cause injuries.

Victims of robberies can be any age and race and can be men or women. Take the following precautions:

Try to walk with another person. If you are walking in or near the University of Minnesota, you can contact 624-WALK for the University escort service.

Carry as little cash as possible. Carry your keys and money in a pocket, not in a purse or wallet.

Be observant and aware of your surroundings. Avoid being absorbed in telephone conversations or music.

Avoid alleys or poorly lit areas.

If you feel uneasy, go directly to a place where there are other people.

If you are walking at night, choose well-lighted streets.

If a robber approaches you, do not resist. Try to get a good description of the robber, as well as vehicle description and license plate number. Call 911 immediately.

Do the Right Thing
By fearnoart44 | FEBRUARY 18, 2009 — 2:45PM

I knew him as “Booshi”. In the early morning of June 18, 2008 “Booshi” or Joseph Sodd III was violently murdered in the Cedar-Riverside area of Minneapolis.

His Mom and Dad, Liz and Joe, are old friends of mine. And Booshi was their first-born. Joe and Liz were one of the first of my friends to have a child, so this boy was something special to us. Over the years I moved out of town and lost touch with Joe and Liz, Booshi and their second child, Alden. But in 2004, there was a reunion of sorts and I was reacquainted with Joe and Liz. They could not stop talking about the now-high school student, Booshi and what a fantastic performer he was becoming. He was a dancer! Imagine that. Where did that gene come from? And how refreshing to encounter parents who actually relished the fact that their son was an artist. They loved that boy. And oh, were they proud of him.

No one should lose a child to such violence. His case remains unsolved. A reward has recently been offered. Someone out there must know something about this crime. Please do the right thing for this extraordinary young man and his family. Call Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS or the Minneapolis police at 1-800-692-TIPS


The First 48
S 8 E 10
Out of Sight / Missing Piece
Mar 19, 2009 | 45m 15s | TV-14
In Minneapolis, after a night out with friends, a college student is stabbed to death while getting on his scooter to ride home. During a canvass of the crime scene, lead investigator Sgt. John Holthusen is confronted with the neighborhood’s escalating violence when he catches a man being attacked. Holthusen must determine if the assailant is also the killer.
And in Miami, Detectives Rick Martinez and Emiliano Tamayo investigate the murder of a teenaged boy shot in a residential backyard. The case takes a dramatic turn, when detectives learn about a dispute between the victim and two of his teenaged friends. Detectives need find out if the friends are innocent or if they committed the ultimate act of betrayal.

You can watch it free on A&E tv sign in with your cable company login or on the AETV app just create a free profile and it’s free. You can watch it on Hulu. It is also on demand!

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25 thoughts on “Joseph Sodd III Murder 2008

  1. Have they interviewed the students who saw him last. On the tv show they show them interviewing all as a group and the group came across a bit odd and it seemed strange to interview them as a group since these are the ;last known people to see him after all.

  2. I live in Seattle, and I assure you, Cornish College of the Arts is an amazing college–many apply, not many are accepted. The fact that Joseph was accepted and found a home there is testament to his extraordinary talent. And though his story breaks my heart, he will not be forgotten. Do not rest in peace, Joseph …. rest in DANCE.

  3. Hi Patricia! I read that on a forum about the college and it was hard to get in. I also read that he was a beautiful dancer! I do wish they would find his killer! I would like to have justice for Joseph and his family!

  4. Just wanted to say that the detectives on First 48 should have followed up with the guy, didn’t mentioned his name, but that guy stated that his friend told him a story about a stabbing…especially that he stated he was drunk….they don’t and haven’t had any leads so if I was them, they should follow up…if you interview them or him, you should be able to see if they get nervous or whatever it is you look for…..please follow up…the guy in the show had a black bottomed up shirt with white stripes…..Be well

  5. Have you asked the police officers to re-run the foreignDNA they gathered from the inside of his pockets? It seems as though it was a robbery and most likely a gang member acting alone or with others. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss, I know how it feels to lose a loved one to homicide and the person or persons responsible not be held accountable. However, I do think the foreign DNA will lead to a suspect. Even if this person has not had mandated DNA entered into the CODIS system, he/she could be located via forensic genealogy.

  6. These Somali criminals are not citizens, for the most part. So why weren’t/aren’t those like the one who flipped out in the interrogroom DNA tested? This case seems like enough wasnt done. Not because the detectives didn’t want to solve it, but because they seem to be overwhelmed with new cases etc. If ever there was a case that needs a new look it’s this one. If those same scumbags even still live in the US.

  7. Hi Jason,
    I would believe they aren’t in Minnesota anymore! It would be really great to hear they are relooking at this case. When I contacted the pd last year they couldn’t really give me any information because it’s an open case. Time for them to light up the media!!

  8. This part this is my second time texting on here I never knew about it I look at my nephew face I just cried cuz it’s my fault I wish I wouldn’t have never went to Amos and Amy I’ve been thinking about him a lot I got a company name Kevin’s cleaning service LLC I have to start somewhere it took me 21 years but I’m doing it I miss my nephew so much for 2 years straight I couldn’t even do anything I miss his smell I miss him so much the most is I can’t tell him that I love him you know the last thing I did before the devil took him and the last thing I did with him he was dancing in the hallway we stayed in this apartment building with my uncle I did he didn’t I don’t care if I stayed in the hole he is still coming find me and he got his own bedroom his own everything but he love his auntie fat last thing I did with him we was dancing in the hallway and I rubbed his head and I told him you know I love you right and he say I know that ain’t too fat I love you too I said you can’t dance man he say yes I can ain’t too fat watch this while I’m texting you this I’m crying sad but happy tears I love him so much he love me so much I told him hey I got to go to Amos and Amos to pick up our food I told him to watch his little cousin poo he said okay ain’t too fat so don’t leave out of here boy I’ll be right back we stayed on llion if you stay in Minneapolis Minnesota you know what street I’m talking about on the north side we stayed around the corner from Amos and Amos if you know the north side you would know where that street at man I miss him I wish I would have never came over North I know that he was something when he was a baby he always was demanded of everything no matter what his ain’t too fat do herself he respected and he loves me and he love his poo and he love his Tasha and pumpkin I just wish I could turn back time but I know I can’t I know now that he in a better place at first I didn’t I was too angry with God with Jesus I was angry with everyone but he’s showing me the way my father in Jesus but my father showed me the way I love you father I know you got him I love you father with all my heart Adam’s father Jesus father my creator I love you with all my heart please Lord I love you with all my heart I just wish my nephew will be here my sister won’t be sad and no one will be angry at me it’s like it’s my fault everything is my phone I just wish the black community was better than what they are not trying to be a hypocrite cuz I did a lot of things too when it happened to your family you don’t look at nothing else but your family and they come a moment in your life that you do have to choose God or the devil and I’m going to choose God not the devil I think I choose a little too long I used to wake up and think Kevin going to be in front of me and he going to say I fooled you ain’t too fat I tricked you again I’m right here but I know it ain’t going to come true it’s been 21 years nobody having said nothing and take a angry lady to get on Facebook to mention someone’s name come on man a baby now it’s 21 years my nephew been gone 21 years and nobody still having said anything but you know what I know that’s for sure people around us you who killed him they just was saying that that’s how the black community do I can’t be a hypocrite because I used to be them too until it happened to my family my sister no one have to look in her face but her family the people that she loved look what I did that’s how I look at myself look what I did half of the time I don’t even like going around my family I don’t it’s like I should have went to go get nothing to eat I was 7 months pregnant I ran out my shoes try to get my nephew CPR I remember the day clear as so clear and it was at night and Amos and Amos close that 10:00 if I mistaken I went to go get the food at 9:30 I get back my nephew is dead across the street where we live at it ain’t like this kid be outside running around doing whatever he do whatever he won’t no but if a child is curious you can tell a child to do a lot of things that don’t mean they’re going to do it this time I wish you just would have listened to auntie fat because he was still be here that radio station KMOJ all the backlash my sister used to cry do y’all know my sister used to work all the time I’m not denying she didn’t go out she was young we both was young and I’m the one who watch the kids only if I wouldn’t have never went to Amos and Amos this is the first time I ever expressed how I really feel about that day that night do you know I had a dream that I got killed the same way he got killed I told everyone but nobody wouldn’t listen to me I felt it so what’s going what happened and it did I thought it was going to be me the way I got shot in my dream my nephew got killed that way so God did give me a sign I try to tell everybody but they always think that I think the worst instead of good first and I do but I knew something was going to happen told my home girl / sister hey I’m going to happen if she was here today she tell you but she died too she had a bad heart now these two people in my life is just gone but Kevin Brewer is everything to me and I was everything to him all I’m saying we got to do better just how we for George Floyd we got to do that for ourselves now if we we fighting this hard now it’s time to go all the way and I got to straighten my life up to that’s why I’m starting a company Kevin just for you let you know that ain’t trying to do it I’mma get it together I got everything now all I got to do is get an emotion Kevin’s cleaners service LLCs how about that Kevin I love you man and I name my son right after you I love you I’ve been to work hard and help others I have to I can’t have no other way and he won’t either thank you God for never leaving me and giving me the understanding that I have today not yesterday or not in 2000 thank you my Lord my creator thank you for blessing me and my family love you Kevin the Brewer family

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