Bozo meeting with possibilities
[Is this where Jose picked up his wife? Let’s see marriage license issued 3 December 2004, married 6 December 2004. Born in Colombia! Baez in Colombia May 2004….makes for an interesting nursery rhyme]
Was Jose Baez trying to pick up a mail order bride in 2004? That is what the picture says! The photo was taken at a hotel in Colombia South Africa where the mail order agency hosts social parties for the mail order boys! Baez claimed to be a successful attorney in Florida…too bad, he again is a liar. He didn’t pass the bar until 2005. Boy the lies fly out of his big mouth. Guess the mail order chicks figured him out. [twitter]
The perjurer and the molester are still talking about the Dr. Phil show. According to the perjurer she said: ‘We knew that we’d want to speak at some point, and we figured there was no better place than with Dr. Phil. We are hoping that by doing this interview, we will be able to help other people who may be experiencing struggles of their own. We certainly don’t want anyone to experience what we have these last three years.’ In other words, Dr. Phil was the highest bidder and she thinks that her lying will encourage others to lie and perjurer themselves while on the stand. Remember: Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth – so help you GOD? LIAR is all I can say!
Boycott Dr. Phil and his sponsors: Protocter and Gamble; Blue Buffalo; ATIVAN – Miralus Healthcare; Hershey’s; Uncle Ben’s; Arm & Hammer; JCPenney; Jeep; TemperPedic; Party City; Capital One; The Progressive Corporation; Kellogg’s; Oprah Winfrey Network; State Farm insurance; Kohl’s Department Stores; Dentek; Staples Corporate Office; Capella University; Pet Supermarket, Inc.; Chevy dealers; Chase bank JPMorgan Chase & Co.
The release said that the perjurer and the molester will not be paid for the interview, but they asked that a donation be made to the fraud organization they are forming to honor Caylee ‘ Caylee’s Fund’. Yes donate to their fraud fund so they can get paid doing nothing. MORE BLOOD MONEY! They have proved to DISHONOR CAYLEE from the beginning, now all of sudden they want to honor her? Right, honor her and receive BLOOD MONEY so they can eat bonbons, stroke their own egos, and use her name in vein and vacation!
Another juror has come forward to people.com. I assume he needed some cash right now. He is claiming that he would now vote manslaughter. Not sure why he would change his vote, guess he feels guilty for not listening at the trial; or he is scared as heck.
The hearing for the murderer to pay back all the money the state of Florida and other entities spent looking for Caylee, while the murderer lied to all of them will happen on 2 September 2011.
And if you haven’t heard, the murderer will have to serve her probation for one year, she started on Wednesday evening in an undisclosed location, to an undisclosed probation officer. It has been said by the [mail order bride] attorney that she is going to go to school. Hope she gets her GED first, and if she doesn’t go to school [she will have to show PROOF of going to school], the order states she needs to work. Not sure how many people would hire the murderer; no one would hire Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez after the murderers stunt, and ZFG was never involved in the murder of Caylee!
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