Ex-Friends/Lovers & Classmates


Amy Jennifer Huizenga  friend of Casey’s between Feb – Jul 2008. The first time she met Casey was in 2007 at a house party in Oviedo, FL. When Amy returned from a 6 mo. work assignment on a Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship, Casey had ingratiated herself into Amy’s network of friends. Prior to moving into JP’s house, Amy and Lauren Coppel lived in Troy’s home in Oviedo, FL.

During Amy’s 7/2008 vacation, Casey cashed her checks & cleared out bank account. Amy has filed a report with OPD regarding Casey’s fraudulent activity and unauthorized use of the money in her checking account.

Ryan Michael Pasley – he has been Casey’s friend since age 5.  She had a crush on him since elementary school days. He worked at Sports Authority.  Currently attending college and living in Jacksonville, FL. Cindy told him Casey is a “Sociopath.”  When Atty. José Baez, asked Ryan about being a character witness for Casey, his response was “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. I just don’t think it’s going to help your case.”

Lauren Gibbs – Best friend of Casey’s during Colonial High School years. She babysat Caylee in the Anthony home for the 1st eight months for NO PAY. Lauren stopped watching Caylee when she learned Casey had lied to her about working at the Sports Authority. Instead Casey was out partying.

Kristina Marie Chester – Casey’s classmate and friend who babysat Caylee on occasion. Casey babysat her children, also. She last saw Caylee with Casey on 6/12/08 at Lake Underhill Park.

Annie Leigh Downing – known Casey since 10th grade. Graduated from Colonial High 2003.  She lived at 2867 S. Conway BV, #218 Sawgrass Apts. with Dante S. from 11/2005 to 3/2007.  In 2007 prior to AUG, Casey told Annie she was having an emotional breakdown and wanted to commit herself to an institution.  Best friend of Casey’s from 11/2006 – 11/2007. Former employee at Don Reid Ford. Annie Scheduled a jail visit with Casey on 8/4/08. CANCELED

Dante Tucker Salati – a casual friend of Casey’s for 8 years. Graduated Colonial High. He has lived at Sawgrass Apt. #218 for 3 yrs. He and Annie Downing shared this apt. for a couple of yrs. until 3/2007. Former employee at Don Reid Ford.

Lauren Coppel – former girlfriend of Troy Brown.  Mutual friend of Dante Salati and Casey. Former employee at Don Reid Ford. She introduced her co-worker at Don Reid Ford –  Ricardo Morales to Casey.

Troy Andrew Brown – He met Casey on 6/5/07 through a friend [Lauren Coppel]. Amy’s former roommate at a house in Oviedo, FL prior to 6/7/08.

Iassen Youriev Donovan – Owner of house called Lake Vaj. He met Casey in January 2007 when she was dating his friend and battle-buddy, Brandon Snow. On 8/9/07 he and several of Casey’s friends attended Caylee’s 2nd B-Day Party.

Alex Ryan Green – aka: “WitePlayboi” screen name on AIM chatting with Casey on 6/16/08 between 7:56:34 a.m. – 8:06:00 a.m. (IM Time Log) 8:06 a.m. – 9 a.m. [discovery doc p. 945]



Anthony Lazzaro (aka: Tony) – student at Full Sail College. [No classes on Mon, Wed & Fri] Casey met Tony via facebook on 5/21/08. She lived with him full-time between 6/10/08 – 7/15/08.  However, Caylee did not stay at Tony L.’s at over night. He is listed in Casey’s cell phone address book as “boyfriend.”

Ricardo Morales – Moved from Jacksonville to Orlando, FL in 2007. First time meeting Casey was 6/5/07 at  Troy B.’s B-Day party at his house in Oveido, FL.  During a New Years Eve/Day 2008 party held at JP Chatt’s condo, Ricardo took a pic of Casey.  Ricardo met Caylee in January 2008 at a BBQ held at Troy B.’s  Dated Casey from Jan 23rd to mid Apr 2008. From mid Feb ’08 Casey & Caylee stayed at his place 4 – 5 nights/wk. Ricardo’s employer is Don Reid Ford.

Jesse Aaron Grund – (aka: SpecialAgentJAG4) Casey’s ex-fiancé. He met Casey at Universal Studios in Jan 2005 at which time Jesse held a position in Security. When Caylee was born, Jesse took a paternity test and learned he was not her biological father. Engagement Period: 12/31/05 – 5/28/06. In the October – November 2007 timeframe, Jesse and Casey attempted dating again, but it didn’t work out. On 6/24/08 Jesse resigned from the OPD.

Anthony Rusciano (aka: Tony) – a rookie officer, OCSO who had an intimate relationship with Casey January – June 2008 (periodically).  He met Casey’s ex-fiancé, Jesse G. when they were in the police academy together. Jesse G. introduced Anthony R. to Casey and months later they began a relationship. When questioned by his management, he lied about the relationship. [Terminated]

Christopher Luke Stutz – He and Casey dated March – June 2007. They met throug one of Chris’ childhood friends, Adam Lynch. Attending FSU in Tallahassee, FL They split up because the long-distance relationship was not working. Casey also maintained a casual relationship with Chris during the May – June 2008 timeframe.

Adam Lynch – Mutual friend of Chris Stutz and Casey Anthony. Casey and Adam were dating between March 2006 and the Summer/Fall 2006. Cindy said, Adam babysat Caylee in the Anthony home for 3 or 4 days during the summer of 2006. He lived in an apartment near UCF. [Cindy Anthony Depo by Prosecution – 7/28/09] According to Richard Grund, Adam is an ex-cop. George really liked this guy!

Mark David Hawkins – aka: MarkyMark & Charlie Brown. US Marine currently stationed at 29 Palm, CA.  However, Mark was in Orlando, FL in November 2004.

Brandon Snow – aka The Snowman. (US Army) Graduated Colonial High 2003.  Married: 10/1/08. He dated Casey during 2006-2007. In early 2007, Casey claimed she was pregnant with his child. Shortly afterwards, he was deployed to Iraq and Casey announced she had a miscarriage on Valentines Day 2007. He did not believe she was ever pregnant. Brandon drives a silver Toyota (Off-Road) Pick up Truck.

Steve Jones- dated from 6/07 – 10/07. He lives off of Lake Pickett/Bridgewater

Johnathan Paul Daly – friend/lover who is currently employed at Cast Iron Tattoo. He has known Casey for about 8 years.

Two Un-named OPD officers and who knows who else should be on this list?

Kenneth Drupiewski – Graduated Colonial High in 2003.  Casey dated him while attending high school. Friend of Dante Salati, but he had not seen him in 5 yrs. Included among his Myspace friends is a pic of Annie Downing with Caylee.



Brittany Schieber – has known Casey since age 5. She is a classmate, friend and neighbor.

Melina Calabrese – BFF since 7th grade up to high school years. Graduated Colonial High – Class of 2004. She changed from a full-time to seasonal employee at Universal in 2006. Melina did not know Casey had a child until she saw a picture of Casey & Caylee posted on Casey’s MySpace about 6 weeks after Caylee was born.

Sean Timothy Daly – a mutual friend of Casey’s and Annie Downing. Graduated Colonial High 2003. Sean has known Casey for about 8 years. He lives at Lake Vaj with his brother, Jonathan and Iassen Donovan. He is currently employed at Cast Iron Tattoo.

Jeffrey Dale Hopkins, Jr. (aka: Jeff) – worked at Universal Studios. [Terminated – 2002]  Graduated Colonial High 2003. Lives in Orlando, FL. Single with “0” children. He first noticed Casey in middle school, and then they attended Colonial High. He was 1 year older and they did not travel in the same social circles.

Gabriel Flete (aka: Gabe) – close friend of Jeffrey Dale Hopkins, Jr. who was with him on 7/1/08 at Miller Ale House. His name is in Casey’s cell phone address book.

Kiomarie J. Torres Cruz – Graduated Colonial High 2004. When interviewed by LE, she told them about the secret place – “The Zone” behind Hidden Oak Elementary School where Jessica, Casey and she went as kids to bury their pets and to just hang out.

Jessica Kelly – Graduated Colonial High 2004. Childhood friend of Kiomarie & Casey.

Bailey Dickens, Jr. – 21 y/o. Casey’s neighbor and former classmate at Colonial High School. He was certain Casey was thrown out of the house prior to 6/15/08. He also believes Casey only returned home on 6/15/08 because it was Father’s Day.

Kyle Jordan Kirkland – (aka: The Animal) Has a Jacksonville, FL cell phone number.  Graduated Colonial High 2003. UCF Alumni 2007 Casey added him as a friend to her MySpace account and as a contact in her cell phone address book.

Brandon Roghelia – 20 y/o died in a vehicle accident on 2/15/05.  Casey attended his wake. Grad. Class of 2003 Colonial High. Ricardo M. claims Casey told him Brandon was Caylee’s father. Rumor is unfounded.

Stephanie Kostakis – [aka: Special K] a friend of Casey’s. The late Jesus Ortiz was one of Stephanie Kostakis closest friends. She scheduled a jail visit with Casey on 8/3/08. CANCELED

Rob Swiebel – His best friend was the late Jesus Ortiz. Graduated Colonial High and enrolled in Valencia Community College. He described Casey as “normal,” “popular,” “fun loving,” and “very smart.” She belonged to a travel club and liked photography.”

Jesus E. Marquez Ortiz – [died: 5/8/2007 in a car crash] Born to Jesus A. Ortiz and Olga I. Marquez in Humacao, Puerto Rico on September 8, 1986. He is survived by his parents and sister Olga M. Ortiz. The Ortiz family had a connection to a ZFG. Jesus was one of Stephanie Kostakis’ closest friends and classmate. After graduating from Colonial High, Jesus majored in Business at UCF. Rumors that he was Caylee’s father are unfounded.

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