Dewane Lamm was attacked with a sharp object and fatally shot during a robbery at Down in the Valley record store in Golden Valley at 7:30 pm on 16 November 1974. He was a customer in the store at the time; two additional victims were also injured during the incident.
If you have any information, please call the BCA Tipline at 1-877-996-6222.  Or email the BCA at
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Dewey was my uncle. Any tips would be greatly appreciated as this year marks the 50 year anniversary of his passing.
Hi Rachel,
Is the investigation still open? It would be wonderful to close Dewane’s case!
They are 95% sure they know who did it, but it is not closed. I’m working hard to get as much info as I can this year!
That’s awesome! I hope they make an arrest! If you need anything, I’ll help if I can!
Do you know my family? The Lamm’s? Can you email me? [email removed]
I will email you. It’s coming from
Check spam.
Can I use the original post you made about Dewey for my fb page?
Please find the responsible person. Dewey wouldn’t have provoked anyone. He was my neighborhood friend and then when they moved to the shores of Buffalo Lake we had wonderful times in their barn. Talented, kind, and just a neat person. Normal people do bad things in this world but, maybe, after reading what all these people have to say, they can find in their heart to come forward and atone for their sin. 🙏