Casey Anthony: Who’s Who – FAMILY


Caylee Marie Anthony, Deceased Homicide Victim. Daughter of Casey Marie Anthony.


Gender: Female

Race: White

Age: 34 mos. (at the time last seen alive)

Height: 3′ 1″

Weight: 35 lbs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

DOB: 8/9/2005Caylee Marie AnthonyCaylee lived at 4937 Hopespring Drive, Chickasaw Trail Development, Orlando, FL with her mother and her maternal grandparents. Her father’s name has not been disclosed.

6/15/2008 Caylee was video-taped by her Grandmother (Cynthia Marie Anthony) while visiting with her Great Grandfather [Alex Plesea] at a Mt. Dora Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.

6/16/2008 Based on the discovery information, including but not limited to, the timeline of events, the forensics reports, etc., it is highly probable that this is the date Caylee died.

7/15/2008 Caylee was reported missing by her Grandmother, Cindy when Casey refused to take her to Caylee. Caylee had not been seen for a month.

12/11/2008 Caylee’s remains were found by a meter reader in a wooded area in the 8900 block of Suburban DR, Orlando, FL less than ¾ miles from the Anthony home. The death certificate shows the date she was found as date of death.

12/19/2008 Dr. G, the M.E. officially announced the remains were those of Caylee Marie Anthony. Her death was declared a homicide by undetermined means.


Casey Marie Anthony, “biological mother” of Caylee Marie Anthony. DOB: 3/19/1986. She is 23 y/o who has been charged with 1st Degree Murder; Aggravated Child Abuse; Aggravated Manslaughter and 4 counts of Lying to Investigators about the disappearance of her 2 yr. 10 mo. old daughter, Caylee. Casey is currently incarcerated without bond at the Orange County Jail in Orlando, FL. She remains in Protective Custody/Psych Observation (PC/PO)

7/16/2008 Arrested for Child Neglect; Obstruction of an Investigation and Lying to LE.

8/21/2008 Released from OC Jail on $500,200 bond and placed on Home Confinement.

8/29/2008 Arrested for Uttering a Forged Instrument; Fraudulent use of Personal Information and Petit Theft

9/05/2008 Released from OC Jail on  bond and placed on Home Confinement.

9/15/2008 Arrested on new check fraud and theft charges. This is Casey Marie Anthony’s 3rd Arrest!

9/16/2008 Released from OC jail after posting $1,250 bond for most recent Economic Fraud Charges.

Breakdown of Economic Fraud Charges:

4 ~ Counts Of Uttering A Forged Check (Felony)

4 ~ Counts Of Fraudulent Use Of  Personal Identification (Felony)

1 ~ Count Of Uttering Forged Bills/Notes (Felony)

4 ~ Counts Of Petty Theft (Misdemeanors)

9/24/2008 Atty. John Morgan of the Morgan & Morgan Law Firm in Orlando, FL filed a Civil Case (Defamation & Infliction of Emotional Distress) on behalf of Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez against Casey Anthony.

10/14/2008 Arrested after Grand Jury Indictment. She was charged with 1st Degree Murder; Aggravated Child Abuse; Aggravated Manslaughter and 4 counts of Lying to Investigators about the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony.

11/10/2008 – Casey Anthony files a counter-suit civil case against ZFG for which she is seeking $15,000 in damages.

5/19/2009 – Atty. Mitnik’s (Morgan & Morgan Law Firm) Motion to Amend the Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez civil suit against Casey Anthony to include Punitive Damages was granted by Judge José Rodriguez.

9/30/2009 Attys. Lyon and Baez filed a Motion to Dismiss the 1st Degree Murder and Aggravated Child Abuse charges against Casey. DENIED on 10/16/09.

01/25/2010 Court Hearing on Check Fraud Charges. Casey pled GUILTY to all 13 charges directly to the judge (by-passing a plea deal with the Prosecution).  Judge Strickland adjudicated 6 charges (record will show Casey Marie Anthony as a 6 time FELON. Sentencing imposed – time served (412 days) and probation under supervision. Atty. Baez after hearing presser. VIDEO

Cynthia Marie Anthony (aka: Cindy)  Caylee’s Grandmother and Casey’s Mother. DOB 6/5/1958. She is a Registered Nurse. The deed which was signed in 1989 for  the property at 4937 Hopespring DR is listed in her name only.  On 8/9/2009 Cindy & George Anthony participated in a re-baptizing ceremony at Eastside Baptist Church.

George Arthur Anthony Caylee’s Grandfather and Casey’s Father.  DOB 9/5/1951 – Born in Warren, OH and raised in Niles, OH.  Post Secondary education: Attended Youngstown State Univ. – Major: Business Administration and Minor: Art.  His 3 sisters – Sandy of FL, Kathy of OH, and Ruth of SC.

He worked for his father part-time while attending college and later joined the Trumball County Sheriff Office. He was a Deputy Sheriff in Trumbull County from 1975 – 1984. In the 1980s George Anthony once dabbled in politics – ran unsuccessfully in the Democratic Primary for Trumbull Clerk of Court.

Upon leaving his LE position in 1984, George returned to his father’s car dealership – Anthony’s Auto Sales located on Youngstown-Warren RD for about 3 years.  In 1987 he started is own used car dealership – George’s Auto Sales which failed in 1989. When the business failed George and Cindy lost their home which was leveraged against the business.  They filed bankruptcy and later moved to FL in September 1989.

1st marriage: 1972 – 1979 Wife’s name was Terry Rosenberger.

2nd marriage: George and Cynthia Marie Plesea married March 20, 1981. They lived  in the Howland Township outside of Niles, OH. They met in the Spring of 1980 at a hospital where Cindy worked as a Nurse and George’s sister, Ruth was a patient.

A divorce petition was filed on 29 December 2005, at which time George moved out of the Anthony home and in with his parents in Ft. Myers, FL for about 6 months. According to Cindy’s brother, Rick, when Cindy realized George could take half of the proceeds from the sale of the Anthony Home and receive alimony, they worked out reconciliation. The case was dismissed on 28 November 2007. [Note: Cindy’s mother confirmed the separation and the reason for the reconciliation]

Lee Alexander Anthony, Caylee’s Uncle, Casey’s Brother and Son of George & Cynthia Anthony.  In January 2006, his place of employment provided residency. Lee’s last known residence prior to moving back into the Anthony home on Hopespring DR in earlier 2009 was 4148 Eagle Feather Dr, Orlando, FL. According to Lee’s old MySpace page, his previous employer was Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. (acquired by Public Storage, Inc. in 2006)


  • Alex Plesea – Cindy’s Father in Mt. Dora, FL
  • Shirley Plesea Cindy’s Mother in Mt. Dora, FL
  • Dan Plesea – Cindy’s Brother in N. Ft. Myers, FL
  • Gary Plesea – Cindy’s Brother in Pt. Saint Lucie, FL
  • Rick PleseaCindy’s Brother in Myrtle Beach, SC


  • Lee Anthony – George’s Father in Ft. Myers, FL
  • Ruth Irene Anthony – George’s Mother in Ft. Myers, FL
  • Sandy [Last Name?] – (aka: Sannie) George’s Sister in Bonita Springs, FL
  • John [Last Name?] – George’s Brother-in-Law & Sannie’s Husband in Bonita Springs, FL
  • Kathy Jo Eddy – George’s Sister & Charles Eddy, II’s Wife in Canfield, OH
  • Charles Clifford Eddy II – (aka: Chuck) George’s Brother-in-Law & Kathy’s Husband in Canfield, OH
  • Ruth [Last Name?] – George’s Sister in NC or SC?
  • Ruth’s Husband – [Name?] George’s Brother-in-Law & Ruth’s Husband in NC or SC?

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