MON, February 2, 2009 – A former FBI agent revealed to Eyewitness News that Todd Black of Press Corps Media and Atty. Baez’s spokesperson is really Gil Cabot, a man who’s spent time in prison for trying to extort money from a Los Angeles news anchor.
4:38 a.m. P.I. Dominic Casey sends e-mail to Cindy: “I found out tonight that Jessica Denofrio [Donofrio] is having an affair with one of the Detectives at OCSO. Have not found out which Detective it is yet but working on finding out.”
TUE, February 3, 2009 – Casey Anthony has refused to answer questions via an interrogatory. If Casey does not comply with the court order to complete the interrogatory, Atty. Morgan said he will move to have her countersuit against ZFG dismissed.
George was released from Halifax Medical Center around 6:00 p.m. and returned to the Anthony home.
WED, February 4, 2009 – Atty. John Morgan (representing ZFG in civil suit against Casey Anthony) appeared on the Nancy Grace Show and said that Casey should verify a picture of Zenaida Gonzalez that was sent to her by Morgan. He stated, “All she needs to do is say that’s not her!”
Atty. Brad Conway on behalf of G & C Anthony has confirmed the announced that the “funeral” for their granddaughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, will be held on Tuesday, 2/10/09 at 10 a.m. at the First Baptist Church of Orlando, located at 3000 S. John Young Parkway, Orlando, FL
THU, February 5, 2009 – A source told WFTV reporter Kathi Belich that Casey’s attorneys have been trying to market the photos to the media again.
FRI, February 6, 2009 – Casey Anthony’s Defense Atty. Jonathan Kasen who represents her in the ZFG civil suit case, has motioned the court to dismiss the defamation suit that Zenaida Gonzalez filed against his client.
Kasen claims that from the day the lawsuit was filed, both ZFG and her attys. at the Morgan and Morgan law firm, knew that their ZFG is not the same woman Casey Anthony told investigators stole her child.
SUN, February 8, 2009 – Cindy Anthony wrote the obituary for Caylee Marie Anthony. She also prepared a 3-page “uninvited” list – names of people who could not invited attend the “public memorial service.” P.I. Dominic Casey compiled a “Characters of Interest” Chart. This list was used to facilitate screening people prior to entering the church service.
MON, February 9, 2009 – Atty. José Baez reads a statement allegedly written by Casey. This statement made it clear that Casey did not want a public service nor did she want Caylee’s remains to be cremated. However, she acknowledges that G & C Anthony were going to do what they wanted and hoped it would help them.
TUE, February 10, 2009 – Two services were held. CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY’S Memorial Services.
- A quasi-public Memorial Service with the Anthony family was held at First Baptist Church of Orlando. Video-taped recordings were shown on several Orlando area news media web-sties.
- An impromptu Service held at the natural memorial site on Suburban DR near where Caylee’s remains were found. Richard G., Leonard Padilla and many others memorialized Caylee at this location.
Casey did not make a request at the Orange County Correctional Center to view the public memorial service. She met with her atty. José Baez. VIDEO
WED, February 11, 2009 – Atty. Brad Conway made an announcement that Caylee’s remains had been cremated.
The start of Casey Anthony’s murder trial could be as long as a year away. There are many things, legally and in the investigation, that still need to be completed. It could take several months to complete findings.
THU, February 12, 2009 – George Anthony joined the family of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings to support them, Atty. Brad Conway, told ABC News.
“He wanted to go and comfort the family,”…..”He saw Haleigh’s father on TV. Anyone could see the anguish on his face. George particularly related to that. He felt like he had to go.” Atty. Brad Conway said.
MON, February 16, 2009 – Atty. José Baez experienced stomach problems, so he checked himself into the hospital Friday to have some tests run. According to his P.R. spokesperson, Marti Mackenzie, he is back at work today and feeling fine.
WED, February 18, 2009 – Judge Strickland did an “in-camera” review of the LE interview w/P.I. Casey which was conducted on 1/7/09. He ruled there was nothing in it which was privilege.
Hundreds of new discovery documents released by the SAO. WFTV news coverage: VIDEO Casey Anthony Journal Entry – controversy over the June 21st entry highlighting how happy she was…. (controversial date written: in 2003 or 2008?) TBD.
Evidence Reports For Submissions To FBI – this report contains items taken from the Anthony home pursuant to a search warrant on 12/11/08. Request to compare these items with items (not all inclusive) collected from the Suburban DR crime scene as listed below:
- 1 – Stained Winnie-the-Pooh blanket
- 1 – Winnie-the-Pooh helium balloon
- 2 – Black trash bags with yellow ties
- — Child’s pull-up pants (pieces)
- 1 – World of Disney bag containing a Cool Blue Gatorade bottle with a substance containing chloroform & cleaning fluid
- 1 – Syringe w/needle holding a substance containing chloroform, ethanol and traces of testosterone. The syringe was in a wrapper inside a toilet paper roll in the Gatorade bottle.
- 1 – Collar of a size 3T shirt possibly pink in color w/lettering “BIG TROUBLE comes In small packages”
- 1 – 24 mos. size of “Circo” brand shorts (pink & white vertical stripes)
- 1 – Heart shaped sticker – similar to ones found in Casey’s bedroom at the Anthony home
- 1 – “Whitney Design” laundry bag – matched laundry bag found in the Anthony garage
- — HENKEL Brand duct tape*– physical attributes matched the duct tape found on a red metal gas can in the Anthony’s shed.
[*Note: This duct tape is industrial strength fire-resistant tape marked as “Fire Guard DUCK”] the tape found with the body and on the gas can was actually extremely rare – only 134,719 rolls were sold in 2006 and 2007 in North America. The duct tape was manufactured by Henkel Consumer Adhesives, of Avon, Ohio. Until it sold its duct tape division. Now known as ShurTech Brands.
Other discovery documents released were the Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Reports; Supplemental Report Gives Witness Details and Sheriff’s Office Evidence Property Forms
FRI, February 20, 2009 – the tape of the actual interview of P.I. Dominic Casey was released. P.I. Casey has been under fire, because he visited the crime scene where Caylee Anthony’s remains were found a month prior to her remains being officially being taken into evidence. P.I. Casey gave detectives different reasons for why he went there.
Roy K.’s atty. David L. Evans sent a 2-page letter to Padilla demanding that Padilla stop making what he calls “irresponsible and malicious conduct” against his client.
Atty. Evans put Padilla on notice that he would pursue legal action if LP continued to publicly speculate and make false accusations about Roy K. being involved in some sort of “daisy-chain” type communication regarding the location of Caylee Anthony’s remains.
WED, February 25, 2009 – Judge José R. Rodriguez presided over the hearing regarding a motion by Atty. Brad Conway to disallow the video-taped depositions for C & G Anthony in the presence of the media. These depositions were last scheduled to be held on 2/26/09.
Atty. Conway stated that C & G were under doctor’s care as they grieve for their granddaughter Caylee, yet he was not prepared to present medical information to the court as proof. Conway stated they [C & G Anthony] are not emotionally able to handle testifying in the defamation lawsuit against their daughter Casey.
Atty. Mitnik argued on behalf of ZFG that she has a right to clear her name, she was sucked into the case through no actions of her own and the Anthonys have actually perpetuated the accusations that have ruined her reputation, such as a statement Cindy made in July about Casey forgiving Zenaida for taking off with Caylee.
Judge Rodriguez postponed the depositions for C & G Anthony for 20 days…Atty. Conway will need to submit medical evidence regarding doctor’s care and Atty. Mitnik will need to submit legal evidence supporting the right of the media being present at a deposition for this type of civil suit.
THU, February 26, 2009 – Baez submitted a Motion to Stay the Release of the jail video footage of Casey’s reaction to the news about a human skull finding on Suburban Drive near the Anthony home on 12/11/08.
10:02 p.m. Michele M. clarified her statement about Lee contacting her via MySpace on 7/3/2008. She wrote an e-mail message to Detective Yuri Melich saying Lee DID NOT contact her. However, she was contacted by Brian L. She also noted the comment Casey posted on Jonathan Lorentz’s FB about going to the Dragon Room has been DELETED. Jonathan deleted his entire wall on FB from 12/2/08 and preceding dates.
FRI, February 27, 2009 – Atty. John Morgan and Co-counsel Keith Mitnik conducted a 3 ½ hr. video-taped deposition of Lee Anthony for the ZFG civil suit against Casey Anthony.
Lee believes the reason Casey used the 6/9/08 date as the last time she saw Caylee was because she heard Cindy say it about 50 times on the night of 7/15/08 before LE arrived. Although Lee said he had never heard the name Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez before he made it very clear that the person filing the law suit was not the same Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez that Casey described to him.
Lee contradicted previous statements that he’s made when he testified under oath Friday. In the past, Lee Anthony told Orange County investigators and Casey’s friends that she is a liar and that she’s stolen money from him and other relatives. Under oath for this deposition, Lee tells Atty. John Morgan, “To this day I believe everything my sister tells me.”
A subpoena requesting deposition of P.I. Dominic Casey for ZFG civil suit was returned.
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