Holly Ann Gagne – Cindy’s friend who babysat Caylee for approx. 1 year. On the Nancy Grace Show, she claimed Casey was a “good mother.” Director, Caylee Anthony Foundation effective 3/1/09 – 9/10/09. Arrested and charged with Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon (baseball bat) – 2nd Degree Felony and Criminal Mischief – 2nd Degree Misdemeanor on 9/10/09.
Ann Lennington – Director of Nurse, Avante Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Mt. Dora, FL. She provided a sign-in sheet from 6/15/08 showing Cindy and Caylee Anthony visited that day.
Karen Angel – RN or LPN, Avante Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Mt. Dora, FL.
Victoria Alveron – Avante Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Mt. Dora, FL.
Paul A. Kelley – Attorney with Bichler & Kelley, PA Law Firm provided oversight for the HelpFindCaylee Trust Fund at Suntrust Bank. The account was closed in Sept. 2008.
Oliver & Linda Tinelli – Linda is a Director of Kid Finder Network. Volunteer at KFN Command Center. She remembered George brought some 2” wide heavy duty tape (rougher than electrical tape) to secure the plastic tablecloths on the tables at the Command Center. Linda said George told her Caylee was alive and in Puerto Rico.
Melissa Earnest – Lives in Mississippi. In August 2009, she contacted LE to inform them of her role as a liaison between a Zenaida in Puerto Rico and Cindy. She forwarded screen shots from her MySpace messages/photos and IM’s from Zenaida, as well as, text messages from and to Cindy.
Charles Crittenden – a co-worker of Cindy Anthony at Gentiva Health Services, Winter Park, FL
Debbie Bennett – a co-worker of Cindy Anthony at Gentiva Health Services, Winter Park, FL
Debbie Polisano – Cindy’s direct Supv. at Gentiva Health Services, Winter Park, FL
Nilsa Ramos – Cindy’s Area Manager at Gentiva Health Services, Winter Park, FL
Jody A. Parker – Mallory Parker’s mother. Trustee on the Help Find Caylee website and associated with Kid Finders Network (KFN). Director, CayleeMarieAnthony Foundation, Inc.
Mallory Diane Parker – Lee Anthony’s girlfriend & daughter of Jody A. Parker. Former address: 4148 Eaglefeather DR, Orlando, FL. Attending UCF to become an Event Coordinator. Changed her major – currently taking elementary ed. courses. Director, CayleeMarieAnthony Foundation, Inc. Deposed by the Prosecution on 11/12/09. Mallory wrote letter to Casey mailed 9 February 2010.
Brian Lufkin – Lee’s roommate: 2006 – 2008 at 4148 Eaglefeather DR, Orlando, FL. Mystery: Reported on 12/30/08 – Four rolls of film, printer paper, various paper work, name tag and various IDs for a Brian Lufkin were found. The rolls of film were sent for development. No statement from the person who found the items.
Michelle Murphy – Lee’s friend since age 5 y/o. His roommate: February – September 2007 at 4148 Eaglefeather DR, Orlando, FL. Casey talked with her in March 2007 about possibly having an emotional breakdown. This was a couple of days after Casey claimed she had a miscarriage.
Jim Campbell – Close friend and ex-partner of George Anthony in the OH Trumbull County Sheriff’s Office. House guest of the Anthonys during the period when Casey was released from jail on home confinement betw. 8/21/08 – 8/29/08. Jim returned to Orlando to attend Caylee’s memorial service on 2/10/09.
Justin Pasmore – Friend of Lee’s who babysat Caylee one time. [Cindy’s Depo by Prosection – 7/28/09]
Jeremy Mayfield – aka: Mayfizzle on MySpace. Friend of Lee Anthony. Graduated Colonial High – 1999. Military – stationed in NC. Married: 2008.
Donna & Glenn Cox – Husband & wife Realtor team. Friends of G & C Anthony. Donna played the piano at Caylee’s Memorial which was held on 2/10/09. Regularly accompanies the Anthonys at Casey’s court hearings.
Peter Benevides – (aka: Pedro) FL businessman increased the Never Lose Hope Foundation reward by $100,000 making a total reward of $225,000 offered for the safe return of Caylee Marie Anthony. It is unclear what his relationship is with the Never Lose Hope Foundation. According to P.I. Dominic Casey’s e-mail, Mr. Benevides also paid for Caylee’s Memorial Service.
The U.S. Attorney’s office dropped charges against Pedro Benevides, 40 for the drug conspiracy charges after a key witness changed his story. On 2/11/2010 the case DISMISSED.
Larry Garrison – Anthony Family Spokesperson who brokered a media deal without their knowledge. He received payment of $6,500. [Resigned/ Terminated – 11/12/08]
Krystal Holloway – (aka: River Cruz and River Allen) Interviewed w/LE on 2/18/10. River provided photos; text messages and took a polygraph test to prove she had an affair with George Anthony. She met him at a KFN tent in July 2008. In late November 2008, River claims George told her “Caylee’s death was an accident that snowballed out of control.” Their relationship continued until October 2009.
Cecilia Peggy Benaida – (aka: Skye Benaida and Cecilia Holloway) Sister of Krystal Holloway. Spent time in OC Jail between Aug 2008 – Jan 2009. Claims she secretly passed letters between Casey and other inmates.
Kalani Bowles – Casey & KFN supporter with the big white frame sunglasses. Friend of River & Skye. He made a spectacle of himself by crying and freaking out in front of the Anthony home the day Caylee’s remains were found.
Dennis William Milstead – Founder, President, & C.O.B of Kid Finders Network (KFN)
Sherri J Milstead – Co-Founder / VP, & Executive Director – Kid Finders Network (KFN)
Bobby Joe Vanover – associated with the House of Purpose (a KFN new project)
Brenda D. Black – Director, Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation, Inc. effective 3/1/09.
Michelle A. Bart – 11/17/08 – 12/14/08 the Anthony Family Spokesperson [Replaced Larry Garrison] Worked for KFN at no charge. Chairperson, National Vigil for Hope organization.
Wanda Wery – reported Caylee sighting at OIA on 7/2/08. She and her son Nicholas took an Air Tran Airways flight (#862) to Atlanta. She claims a child who told Nicholas her name was Caylee Marie “Antny” got on the same flight.
Pastor Thomas Shane Stutzman – (aka: Dr. Shane Stutzman), Eastside Baptist Church in Orlando was allowed to visit with Casey Anthony monthly. He was later transferred to Northside Baptist Church in Orangeburg, SC.
Fred Robinson – self-ordained minister and friend of the Anthony family. Led prayer vigils and George had hoped he would be someone Casey could talk to as a confidant.
Mortimer Smith (aka: Mort) – Illinois Licensed Private Detective – License #115-000975. He is the co-founder and instructor of the Certified Criminal Defense Investigation Program at DePaul University. P.I. for the Defense Team. Mort has conducted an investigation into Roy Kronk’s personal life.
Jeremiah Lyons – P.I. for the Defense Team who interviewed a local blog owner in Casselberry, FL regarding his alleged relationship with Judge Stan Strickland. His findings were summarized in a Motion filed by the Defense to disqualify Judge Strickland. Shortly after 10/5/2010, two TES volunteer searchers accused P.I. Lyons of trying to influence them to change their previous testimony regarding the environmental conditions at the discovery site on Suburban DR. VIDEO
Dominic Casey – P. I. Casey of D&A Investigations was employed by the Baez Law Firm 7/25/08 – 10/1/08. His assignment was to “investigate the circumstance surrounding the disappearance of Caylee Marie Anthony,” he said. P,I. Casey visited CaseyAnthony in jail 8/8/08. G & C Anthony retained P.I. Casey (per signed contract- 10/31/08) to look for Caylee. [discovery doc p. 8024] The complaint he filed with the FL Bar against Atty. Baez was dismissed.
James Hoover – aka: Jim Hoover. Private Investigator who offered free services to Anthonys. Video-taped P.I. Dominic Casey searching for Caylee’s remains in wooded area of Suburban Drive on 11/15/08 & 11/16/08.
Edward Phlegar – Private Investigator for Attorney José Baez. Visited with Casey in jail 7/25/08.
Leonard Padilla – Bounty Hunter, Sacramento, CA
Tony Padilla – Bail Bondsman, Sacramento, CA
Robert Dick – Bounty Hunter Deputy Sacramento, CA
Tracy McLaughlin – (aka: Tracy Conroy) Bounty Hunter Deputy. Female assigned to stay in the Anthony home 24/7 to monitor Casey while under the Padilla Bond (8/21 – 8/29/08)
Kevin Gazinos – Leonard Padilla Bounty Hunter Associate
Miguel – Body Guard for CMA. Leonard Padilla Bounty Hunter Associate
Toby – Body Guard for CMA. Leonard Padilla Bounty Hunter Associate
McDonald Bail Bonds agency, Kissimmee, FL
Joe Von Waldner Bail Bonds, Orlando, FL
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