All Others Indirectly Linked

 Zenaida Gonzalez– 40 y/o mother of 6 children. Lives in Kissimmee, FL. MySpace:Beba. On 6/17/08, Zenaida and 2 of her children visited & viewed an apt. @ Sawgrass Apts., located at 2863 S. Conway RD, Orlando, FL.  As a result of Casey’s accusation that someone with the name Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez kidnapped Caylee, it has turned this Zenaida’s life upside down. Zenaida said she lost her job managing a cleaning crew; people sent her hate e-mail messages and posted on her MySpace; made threatening phone calls, etc.  When Zenaida was interviewed by LE on 7/17/08, she denied any knowledge of Casey & Caylee Anthony.

Atty. John Morgan of the Morgan & Morgan Law Firm in Orlando agreed to take her case.  On 9/24/08 they filed a civil suit for defamation of character against Casey Anthony. On 5/19/09 Judge José R Rodriguez granted a Motion to Amend the ZFG civil suit to include punitive damages. Zenaida Gonzalez is now in a position to seek more than $15,000 in settlement remedies. Her civil case is schedule to start in August 2011.


Zenaida Fernandez Rosado – (formerly Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez) married Carmelo Rosado in 2006. Her B-Day is September 2. She submitted an address change forwarding mail to MA in 12/2007.  An employee of USPS located at 650 N. Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL Her husband works at the 501 N.  Semoran Boulevard branch of USPS.

Barbara J Carey – USPS supervisor of ZFG [Rosado] & husband Carmelo Rosado

Jeffrey Hopkins & Melissa Hopkins – Jeffrey Dale Hopkins, Jr.’s parents. On 7/16/08 Casey’s cell ph # showed up on their caller ID,

Rosanna Bonilla – Resident of 301 Hillside, the seniors-only facility Casey took LE to as one location where ZFG lived.

Joseph & Stacy Oaks – Last occupants of 2863 S. Conway RD, Apt 210 Sawgrass Apartments in Orlando, FL. They Moved out 2/20/08. This apartment was still vacant in mid-July 2008.

Amanda Macklin – Community Manager, SAWGRASS APARTMENTS, Orlando, FL

Dave Turner – Maintenance person at Sawgrass Apartments, Orlando, FL

Harry Garcia – Leasing Consultant at Sawgrass Apartments filled out a visitation “Guest Card” for ZFG on 6/17/08. [Note: The 4/17/08 date in a LE narrative is incorrect] LE deputy showed Harry 12 pictures of women; he picked out one who looked familiar. The pictures were all of the same woman.

Juan Miguel González lived at 2350 Nautical Way, Apt. #210, Winter Park, FL 32792 Signal Pointe Apts. off of Howell Branch RD. Lease expired 5/30/2008. Hired (DOH: 5/21/2008) as a Service Tech for Sawgrass Apts. which included signing a lease agreement to live on the property. RESIGNED (gave notice on 7/1/2008 and last work day was 7/2/2008). Accepted a position in NY.

Tom Mattson – Head of Events, Universal Studios verified that no such employee existed by the name of Tom Manley.

Thomas Galaida – Tom’s Auto Repair, Casselberry, FL. Had Tony L.’s Black SUV Jeep Cherokee towed in for repairs on 6/9/08.

Tori Moore – faxed correspondence  to Hon. Judge Stan Strickland on 3/9/10.  Re: Indigent Status for Casey Anthony. She also wrote a letter to Casey… called her out! “The only thing you are sorry for is your freedom being taken away…. You alone have to OWN THIS!….You will stand ACCOUNTABLE!”

Josh M. O’barr – [died: 7/10/2006] 23 y/o. surfer committed suicide off Cocoa Beach, FL He had back surgery in 2004. The O’barr family denies speculation about Josh possibly being Caylee’s father.  They did not know Casey.

Eric F Baker – [died 5/4/2007] 18 y/o. Born in Dayton, OH on 3/8/1989. Lived most of his life in Flemingsburg, KY. Attended Fleming High School 2003 – 2007. He was a passenger who was killed in a car crash at the intersection of KY 9 & US 68 Maysville, KY. There is no evidence that he was Caylee’s father.

Eric James Baker – [died: 8/11/2007] Casey told some friends that he died in a motor cycle accident on his way to Caylee’s birthday party. He died two days after Caylee’s 2nd B-Day. An image was found on Casey’s computer showing a quote from Jesus Ortiz as a memorial to Eric.

Brian Burner – Next door neighbor of the Anthonys. On 6/18/08 Casey borrowed his shovel.

Joyce & Bailey Dickens – one of G & C Anthony’s neighbors.  According to what they stated in an interview w/ LE on 7/22/08, Kiomarie Torres Cruz told them about her theory regarding the secret area behind the Hidden Oaks Elementary School on Suburban Drive.  They advised Kiomarie to talk to the police about what she knew about Casey’s background.

Jean Couty – one of G & C Anthony’s neighbors who lives across the street.  In his interview w/ LE, Jean stated that he witnessed 2 arguments between Casey & Cindy in mid-June, 2008.

Kathleen Ramsey Asst. Principal @ Hidden Oaks Elem. School. Saw a man going into the woods near the school, so she called OCSO to file a trespassing charge. That person was Keith Williams, who had lived in Chickasaw Trails. He was conducting an independent search for Caylee.

Rosa Heisler – Keith Williams’ girlfriend who went with him to meet with Deputy Richard Cain at the Suburban Drive location.  She confirmed that Keith had a white trash bag of stuffed animals in the trunk of his car and that Deputy Cain took the bag.

John Michalakis  Formed Fiber Technologies. Potential Prosecution witness to give testimony regarding materials in the trunk lining of the Pontiac Sunfire. None of the materials used in manufacturing the lining contained chemicals found in chloroform.

Simon Birch – Facilities Manager of JOHNSON’S WRECKER EAST, 7777 Narcoossee RD, Orlando, FL

Gary Ridgeway – driver for Johnson’s Wrecker East who towed Casey’s car from AMSCOT to Johnson’s Wrecker’s tow yard.

Nicole Lett [Schieber] – front office employee at Johnson’s Wrecker East. Advised George of the documentation requirements for getting the 1998 Pontiac (Casey’s car) out of impound, including but not limited to, CA$H.

Renée Simpson – Asst. VP, Admissions & Records Dist. Offc, Valencia Community College.  Casey claimed she attended this college. Ms. Simpson confirmed that Casey never applied for admission at Valencia.  Casey did not have a high school diploma or GED.

Dannielle Lucey-Austin – manager of Chuck E Cheese in Altamonte Springs, FL. Gave LE a video tape of the restaurant front door entrance for 7/15/08 between 11-1 pm. Caylee sighting follow-up.

Rich Garrad – Corp Recruiting Specialist for Carlson Restaurants Worldwide (owner of TGIF)

Michael Antonello general counsel for the American Media – company that publishes the Globe, the National Inquirer and Star Magazines. Mr. Antonello agreed to turn over all photographs of Caylee Anthony in which she was wearing the pink “BIG TROUBLE comes in small packages” T-Shirt. He forwarded six photos to Detective Yuri Melich and he confirmed that Ricardo M. had sold those photographs to the Globe magazine in 2008.

Public Relations Spokespersons for the Baez Law Firm:
  1. Todd Black (aka: Gilbert A. Cabot) – Press Corps Media was hired by José Baez’s Law Firm as a P.R. Spokesperson.  [Terminated]
  2. Margaret A. Mackenzie (Marti) – new P.R. Spokesperson hired for the Baez Law Firm replacing Todd Black.  She has than 20+ years of experience in legal cases with high-profile defendants. On 2/16/10 Marti resigned via e-mail.
  3. Liz Brown – new P.R. Spokesperson for the Baez Law Firm replacing Marti Mackenzie. Effective 2/16/10 all media inquiries about Casey Anthony’s defense are to be directed to her at the DePaul University College of Law Legal Clinic.

Glenn Selig – PR person who specializes in dealing with high profile criminal cases.

Richard Allen Karol – student at the Florida A&M Law School in Orlando, FL. Intern at the Baez Law Firm. On 1/20/09 in the presence of Sgt. John Allen, Richard was permitted to take digital photographs of the calendars Corp. Edwards used during his interview with Tony Lazzaro. [discovery doc p. 3390]

Anthony Dafonseca – student at the Florida A&M Law School in Orlando, FL. Intern at the Baez Law Firm. On 1/20/09 in the presence of Sgt. John Allen, Anthony was permitted to take digital photographs of the calendars Corp. Edwards used during his interview with Tony Lazzaro. [discovery doc p. 3390]

Peter Benevides – (aka: Pedro) FL businessman increased the reward by $100,000 making a total reward of $225,000 offered for the safe return of Caylee Marie Anthony. It is unclear what his relationship is with the Never Lose Hope Foundation.

Bradley Wright – Former roommate of Roy Kronk. He gave the defense a statement that he saw bruises on Jill Kerley (Kronk’s ex-wife). Defense witness associated with Motion to present prior bad acts of Mr. Kronk. Prosecution had to cancel scheduled depo for 7/21/10 due to receiving notice from Atty. Tony Moss (lawyer representing Bradley) of Bradley’s unavailability. He is a Captain of a commercial fishing boat which was deployed to CT and due to return to FL in September/October 2010.

Michele Carpentiere – allegedly Roy Kronk’s girlfriend.  She was hired on 10/16/06 and promoted to executive assistant on 10/19/08 in the Human Resources Division of OC Corrections – Cassady Bldg.  This building is across the street from the Female Detention Center where Casey meets with her attorney.

David E. Dean – Meter Reader, Orange County Public Works.  Roy Kronk’s co-worker who was with him on Suburban Dr. on 8/11/08. Stumbled upon a snake – picked it up with a shovel and put into the back of his truck.

Christopher Gibson – Meter Reader, Orange County Public Works. Roy Kronk’s co-worker who was with him on Suburban Dr. on 8/11/08.

Tim ArmstrongMeter Reader, Orange County Public Works. Roy Kronk’s co-worker.

Alex Roberts – Roy Kronk’s Supervisor, Orange County Public Works

Carl Spare – Utilities Account Supv. for Field Services, Orange County Public Works recorded what Kronk reported over the radio about his find at Suburban Dr. on 12/11/08.

Ginnette Matacia-Lucas – Psychic in VA who claims she was on the phone w/Dominic Casey, P.I. on 11/15/08 guiding him on where to search for Caylee.

Elle Carrington – 71 y/o Psychic from TX who told Keith Williams where to go to find Caylee and what he would find at the location.

Lois Jean Peter – Dakota’s Grandmother & legal guardian lives in St. Cloud.

Dakota Skii – Lois Peter’s grand daughter (12 y/o) Cindy & Casey were e-mailing.  She held a vigil for Caylee and thought Casey was innocent.  Became emotionally distraught over Casey.

Wanda Wery – reported Caylee sighting at OIA on 7/2/08. She and her son Nicholas took an Air Tran Airways flight (#862) to Atlanta.  She claims a child who told Nicholas her name was Caylee Marie “Antny” got on the same flight.

Paul Kovach – he saw woman who definitely looked like Casey wearing a big straw hat, big red sunglasses coming out of the woods near the airport and Boggy Creek road carrying a bag and a shovel. He also said there was a well dressed male talking on a cell phone while standing on a nearby bridge pretending to fish. This sighting was in late June 2008.

James Thompson – Owner of TechBay – 905 N. Orlando AV, Parker Plaza Maitland, FL. On 7/22/09 he completed a statement with the Maitland Police Dept. in which he claims Casey and Caylee came into his store on 6/9/08 (approx date). He also claims that he saw Casey and Caylee again on 6/16/08 at a Wal-Mart Supercenter located in Casselberry, FL around “lunch time.” [Note: Casey was using her cell phone throughout the day and the cell pings do not support this claim]

Thomas McDonnell – Father of Robyn Adams who had several handwritten letters from Casey Anthony. Thomas obtained these letters & copies from Atty. Andrea Armas. Upon request, he voluntarily turned them over to Detective Yuri Melich.

Tracy Erin Nealley – Altamonte Springs, FL resident and friend of Robyn Adams. She received Casey’s handwritten notes from Robyn via USPS mail.  She stated, Robyn asked her to keep them safe and later asked Tracy to send to atty. Andrea Armas, Jaspon & Armas, P.A., Winter Park, FL [discovery doc pp. 13,307 – 13,308]

Robyn Adams – Altamonte Springs, FL resident and wife of Clay Adams (former Altamonte Springs Police Officer w/9 yrs. of service).  Both were arrested 7/21/08 on drug and gun trafficking charges.  While incarcerated at the OC jail, Robyn became Casey’s Pen Pal. She mailed Casey’s letters to her friend on the outside, Tracy Neally for safekeeping. She planned to use them as a  bargaining chip in getting her sentence reduced.  On 2/12/10, Robyn was interviewed by FDLE. TRANSCRIPT

Maya DerkovicInmate @Broward Correctional Institution, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Maya was born in Bosnia. She spent time in a cell at the OC Corrections near Casey’s cell.  Claims Anthony thought it was exciting and funny that she was becoming famous.  Derkovic is currently serving 30 yrs. in prison for 2nd Degree Murder of a 15 y/o girl. Shortly after the discovery of a phone call between Robin Lunceford and Atty. Baez, Maya was transferred out of Lowell Correctional Institution.

Robin Lunceford – Inmate @Lowell Correctional Institution, Ocala, FL. A career criminal with at least 27 aliases.  Currently a serving a life sentence (pending an Appeal).   She has a history of inserting herself into high-profile criminal cases. Her phone conversation with Atty. Baez was recorded by the prison. Robin claims she can discredit key state witnesses, Robyn Adams and Maya Derkovic.

Brenda Wynn – Inmate @Lowell Correctional Institution, Ocala, FL

Kathleen Clark – Inmate @Hernando Correctional Institution, Brooksville, FL

Travis William Nichols – Inmate @OC Corrections on 7/28/08 claims he had a 2 or 3 minute conversation with Casey as she walked by. He wanted to know where was the baby (Caylee)?

Teri Thomas (aka: Teri Narsesian) – Inmate @OC Corrections on 4/13/09 – the day Casey found out the DP was back on the table.  Teri claims she witnessed Casey reaction to the news. She said Casey was screaming; agitated and saying “I’m pissed, I’m pissed….” This encounter was unconfirmed.

Jerry Louis Jackson – Inmate @Union Correctional Prison in Raiford, FL since 2004 serving 30 yrs. for sexual battery with a weapon, armed burglary, kidnapping and other charges. Wrote a letter dated 7/22/09 claiming he knows who killed Caylee and it wasn’t Casey. He has mental issues.

Curtis Oza Jackson – aka: Curtis O Jackson, Gregory King, and Sydney Thomas (Inmate @Department of Corrections of Michigan, MDOC Number: 282320) wrote a letter requesting contact information for Casey Marie Anthony and other documents. Filed 9/8/2010 in the OC Clerk of Courts. Copy of Letter & Reply.

Elgine Furlow – (aka: Elgin Wilson Furlow Sr, Wilson Furlow, Wille G Covington, Willie Clyde Covington and more) has a long history as a former inmate at the FLDC. He has filed motions on other cases, as well, in the state of FL courts. [It is unclear what his connection is to the the Casey Anthony case].

David Portwood – He and his girlfriend, Rozzi Franco (Reporter with WFLA 540 AM in Orlando, FL) were having lunch at Houston’s Restaurant (former employer of Mallory Parker) in Winter Park, FL.  A waitress, Heidi Waldon  joined in their conversation claiming Mallory said, “Caylee was dead and Casey did it.” This is what Rozzi thought Heidi said, but David could not corroborate this statement.

Rozzie Franco Reporter on News/Talk Radio WFLA 540 AM during the Bud Hedinger show in Orlando, FL and the FL News Network serving 60 affiliates statewide. Rozzie has appeared on HLN’s show Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell, the Fox News Channel, MSNBC and Court TV for updates on the Casey Anthony Murder Case.

Juan Pablo Manterola – Joined Full Sail in 2007 as Associate Course Director for Typography and Page Layout. Interviewed Casey on 1/20/09 at the OC Jail.

Sean Krause – produces the Daily BS blog. Up until Cindy’s alleged e-mail hacking story, he was one of her supporters. By November 2008 he no longer believed Cindy’s lies. Even as he battled cancer in the hospital, Sean was committed to setting the record straight about Cindy Anthony and continued to blog seeking justice for Caylee.  Sean passed away on 2/23/09.

Shannon Stoy – President of Blink Development Group, LLC, Pennington, NJ filed a complaint in February 2009 with the FL Bar Association against Atty. José  A. Baez. The complaint stated that Atty. Baez may be receiving fees on the Casey Anthony Case with an agreement to publicize her story. [Note: Upon review and analysis of the information provided, the FL Bar 19th Circuit Grievance Committee ‘A’ concluded there was insufficient evidence. Case Closed 9/4/09]

Andrew James Frances – (aka: Andy) Casey exchanged phone calls/texts on 6/29, 6/30, 7/1, 7/2, 7/8, 7/11 and 7/15. No clear connection yet.

Timothy Monforte – a wallet and Sears credit card belonging to him was retrieved during LE’s search near where Caylee was found on Suburban DR.  He has no apparent connection to the case.

Derrick Williams – Owner, Society Entertainment; lived at Sawgrass Apts. from 2003 – 2007. Formerly Tony L.’s boss. Did promotion work for Fusion Ultra Lounge. He never met Casey or Caylee Anthony.

Jean-Marc Lefebvre-Despeaux – President of Blue Star in Monaco. “Blue Star Forensic” is a blood visualizing agent based on luminal, used in blood search at crime scenes. The chemical compounds in this product were analyzed to determine if it contributed to the chloroform levels in the air samples taken from the trunk of the car.

Thomas Achtziger – ShurTech, Akron, OH (duct tape manufacturer)
Christina Ballard, C.A. – Pound Human ID Lab, Gainesville, FL
David Bogart AT&T Engineer (Expert Witness) Lake Mary, FL
Lisa Likely AT&T National Compliance Center

Fabiano Santos – Allen & Co. – Architecture

Kim Cannon – Allen & Co

Brandon Sparks – Roy Kronk’s son who lives in Sammamish, WA. Claims Kronk bragged to him in November 2008 that he knew where Caylee was.

Crystal Sparks – Kronk’s Ex-Wife. Claims Kronk was abusive during their marriage.

Carlos Chirino, St. Augustine, FL – owns “Professional Investigation Resources Corp”

Guillermo Medino – St. Augustine, FL – same address as Carlos Chirino

Susan Cecil, LaPlata, MD – Roy Kronk’s sister

John Samples, Cummings, GA

John Morris – Mohave Valley, AZ

Stacy Hansen

Dean Lavigne

Shimara Harris

Views: 29